Thursday, February 7, 2013

Hello all!

I am somewhat tired by the need of updating info about this game on the two forums, so decided to create this blog. Now, it's officially a new home of the "Fetish Master". :)


  1. ok, I add it to my bookmarks :D

  2. I have been going through the files for ver 0.7 and changing or correcting grammar and spelling issues. I also spent some time making new simple tags and putting them into events and templates.

    The simple tags is a good idea although there is no need for more than one alias for each script.

    Some of the tags I have been using are


    <%c = ctv; ctv.getName();%>


    <%IncludeRange(ctv.getStat(""), "genericsex");%>

    Using tags like these in the cview templates helps to better see what has been written. I haven't seen an area where simple tags don't work, as long as you make sure that you are using a context correct script, like how <%c = ctv; ctv.getName();%> works in templates but <%proxy.getName();%> does not so my tags of [GetName] will work but [Proxy] will only show blank.

    The xml driven system is nice though and helps to make changes easier.

    As I get more completed over time I can give a link to all the scripts hosted on my website.

    1. Ah, I thank you for editing work.

      For the simple tags, I planed to add more too, in almost identical way. Good ideas go together. :)
      But my concept for their names: they need to have "telling" name, so text with them can be read as normal, so no names like "desc_HeShe" - too complex to read inline. In general, main rule: tag - is a word that is replaced, with small as possible additions.

      Next version of engine will include at least this list of tags:

      <%c = proxy;%>

      <%c = iTarget;%> - this is for the enemy, or other character in the interactions mode. Also "c" can be set manually in the normal scripts if needed. This pair can help swith character on the fly.

      <%Include("c_od/breasts");%> - this is where all various descriptions for inline use will be. Something like: "... and touching [her] [breasts]."
      ("cview" is only for the full text portrait, not for regular texts. In it includes contain full sentences, not only description.)
      Also other body parts, similar:

      Next group like:
      and other like these will copy those mathed that already existed without "t-" part, but for the "c" object. (I use "-" in these as it not need to hold "Shift" key to be typed - little more easy for speed typing. :))

      More will be added as includes in "c_od" directory will be more ready.

      P.S. I disabled ability to save changes in the SimpleTags editor for purpose - "c_od" and "cview" includes structure not final, so I can't guarantee that custom tags will work in new versions without corrections. But this is temporary only.

    2. I will continue to do edits but keep the original tags you had and not create any new ones to not be confusing and to hopefully not break anything too much between engine changes.

      Tags like the ones I was using were more test than anything, was nice to have them work though, a simple find/replace-all made it easier to edit the texts as it cut down the size of tags significantly in some files.

  3. The file I uploaded is a zip of the current client with all my changes. Going forward I will work to notate what I change better and only upload what I have changed.

    I have gone through and wrote new text for some events using what has already been written, the major one being the penis masturbation scene.

    I didn't do it often, but there are a couple scenes that I kept the old text in the file to compare.

    Changed the names of some buttons, mostly just capitalized all words.

    Capitalized names of items and gave new description, or changed them to read a little better.

    Did minor changes in a couple of the descriptions. Changed Kid-like height to child-like, miniature height to short.
    Added "'s" after some proxy tags to show ownership of body parts where appropriate.

    Made changes to some templates, should only be printed text that was changed, like Cristian's offer or win/loss text in fight templates.

    Made changes in all, or almost all of the casual_talk templates.

    Most, if not all events for home base are edited.

    There are probably many more small changes that I made while skimming through files to change buttons. I don't know how long I will continue to spend time making changes or rewriting parts, I hope to at least get a good portion fixed up over time. I haven't gone through all the content that I changed to see if it all works.

    I try and keep close to your style but sometimes I do deviate because I felt it flowed better.

    I am not a writer but I wanted to help make the game better while you spend time working on backend and anything else you feel necessary.

    If you don't want to use what I have done, I am ok with that, this just gives me a break from other things I have going on.

    1. Sorry, but I can't download file from this host - it's block my country IP range it seems (from several internet providers that I can try to download, result the same)...
      But I very interested in you work. Do you can upload it to the some other host?

      UPD: found a working way to download - through TOR proxy network. Though it's something like 4-6 proxies I'll need to swith to find working...
      Now, I finally can begin to look at it.

    2. Sorry about you not being able to download directly, I have been having issues with bots and your IP range must have been in range of them. I will use an external host next time but will look at logs and remove the range you are in.

  4. Switched to using a version control system. Currently using Sourceforge and SVN but I am thinking it might end up being better to switch to git on Github, I like their revision comparison system page more. I am trying to make this as easy as possible to show changes, but if you have any suggestion on how to make this easier for you, I can change how I do things with no problem.

    Currently everything seems to be running fine, but there are a couple of scripts that I know of that won't work because of a name change I did to the files.
    "events/city/hospital_entrace.walk" is now "events/city/hospital_entrance.walk"
    "img/city/hospital_entrace.jpg" is now "img/city/hospital_entrance.jpg"

    Scripts have been changed to reflect this but it seems that the value that is used to call this event is hardcoded into source.
    There is also a reference to a college, it too had "entrace" instead of "entrance." There are a few files that had this mistake in them.

    Link to code page is in name, in the right column you can click on the commit status and get a list of everything I changed since my last update. Selecting a file on that page will show you the specific things I changed in each file.

    You can download the current version with all my current changes at

  5. You can use SVN? It's great - I already use local variant to control changes and build pathes, and I planned to create repository on for collaboration.
    And I think, using e-mail will be more productive than comments there. My address:

    For the filenames changes - it's not hadcoded. (Only hadcoded calls in the "system_events" subfolder). You run into the caching issue. And for the "*.event" you also need to change "Name of event (UID)" field in the event editor. Include templates not have it and their filenames can be changed freely, but events use this field for effective caching and it need to be matched their filename. Same for the organs - they have "name" field and filename need to me matched it.

    I looked through you editing - it's good, I definitely will like to work with you together. And yours full rewritings is looking good too.
