Friday, January 30, 2015

Release 0.985d

This time changes in the code of the game engine pretty minor (mainly bugfixes), but so many changes and updates in the content files, that I decided to do full release this time.

- Applied spellchecking.from R.
- Changed uterus implant. Now it's using organ mechanic. Also redone Dr. Genki events related to it, and added possibility to increase implant's maximum volume.
- Added few more images to the tasks, and to the key events reported from organs (like birth).
- Merril's request to Dr.Genki quest is fixed.
- Filling breasts implants added.

Also some more minor bug fixes.

CAUTION! Changes in the implant made it incompatible with old saves. Characters from old saves with installed uterus implants can experience weird behavior on trying change or remove implants.  Sorry about it. If you really like previous character - remove implants before using save in the new version.

Pass: fmaster

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Patch 0.985c.p5

- Fixed potential freezes on cases of intensive ovulations (like hyperbreder genome cause).
- Fixed anal sex "cum inside" option (random swithcing with vaginal).
- Fix/change - fast travel to fetish cafe/hot lips. Now character will go only on Red Light District, not inside.
- Fix for hyperbreeder related organ.
- Added night picture to the player base at night (for tesing next feature).
- Added ability to "merge" walk mode events, similar as templates can be merged through IncludeAll function.
- Added experimental feature - now genetic support "grouping" of the genes. Details:

if you add in the genome gene with name "group.something" ("group" - is a key part of the name) then at the time of processing this genome to cheate child game will see text value field and take all genes mentioned in it only from one parent. They will become "linked". Genes names should be separated with "&".  Example:

Gene name:  group.figure
Text Value: generic.chest&generic.waist&generic.hips

Now, if this gene will be encountered at creating child, resulted genome will has these three genes taken from single parent. What parent will be used, it's calculated on the base of paramenters "sex traits" and "gene force" of all genes in group. These paramenters of grouping gene itself not used. Grouping will work even if grouping gene is not set as active, but child will have this gene as legacy, so grouping will be used for his/her future children too.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Patch 0.985b.p4

- Fixed almost all bugs that reported so far. What is still not done - it's Merril quest.

- Added back check about low health, tiredness and mobility for the active proxy in walking mode. Mobility not really full check - it's just need to lock proxy in the house if his/her SPD become 0 or less. But health and tiredness now will be checked as before. Only through scripts. (templates/system/proxy_walking_check)

Added new feature - merging of the events. Now you can set checkbox "Megred" in events editor, and content from yours event will be added to the another. But "conditions" and "prio" worked for the merged events the same way as for normal.
There some rules for merging:

- Text from merged event(s) will be added after all text from normal event (and templates called from it of course).
- Buttons from merged event(s) will be added after buttons from normal event.
- If merged event has picture, it will replace picture from normal event. If more than two event merged, picture will be shown from the last of processed events. Also picture from merged event can replace pictures from template(s) that called from normal event.
- Hours from merged event(s) will be added to hours from normal event.
- If no suitable normal event found, but merged event(s) exists - first from the found merged events will be used as normal event.
- "Prio" field checked for the all events together. So if merged event has priority higher than normal event - normal will be just replaced with merged. And if merged event has lover priority than normal - it's will be NOT shown at all.
- Multiple events can be merged together. But there is no guarantee for the order of selecting events from filesystem, other than the normal event always will be processed first.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Patch 0.985a.p3

- Fix for potential crash if last proxy in the worker list executing task outside of house at 7:00 ("Brothel: regular" at morning for example).

- Added image support for tasks. Right now only few images for basic tasks (rest, sleep, sport) added.

- Added charisma mention in the character description.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Patch 0.985.p2

Second patch, fixes some more bugs. For anal sex scenes used files posted by someone Anonymous in comments to previous patch.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Patch 0.985.p1

In this patch I'll tried to fix all reported bugs, except of the Merril quest. (This will need some time, and I wanted to close more serious issues first.)

Yes, I know that this release has a slightly more bugs than usual, but please take notice that reviewing code some times is harder than writing it by myself. :) And with my schedule of last few months it's too easy to forget: what I already done and what is not. Sorry about this.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Version 0.985 is here after long waiting!

This version is focused on the mod's integration. But it also has some improvements in the GUI and one new script command. (Too minor to go to the 0.99 but not just bugfixes, so it's not 0.98c)
I can't guarantee that I catch all bugs, but I tested all main features and they seems to working normally now.

What new

In game engine:

- New script command: MoveProxyToReturnList(proxy, time_in_hours);
This command will remove proxy from the worker list without breaking contract, and after specified time he/she will be returned in this list. Can be used to hide character from the list at the time of the executing task outside of the house, for example (like long working somewhere outside).

- Workers now always sorted by their names in the list of workers.

- Tasks also now sorted by the tasks names.

- New sub tab in the management mode - "Notes" it can be used to store some notes about currently selected proxy. The same way as in the main tab with similar name. Only this text will be personal for every worker.

- MANY minor bugfixes.

In game content:

- Integrated three big mods from the Cymic44, FB, Auctus177.

- Fast Travel to some places (also fast returns form some places). To lower RL time and click count needed to navigate to the popular places.

- Mod's content reviewed and some mechanics and scripts logic changed. This is needed to rebalance and to clear the code (in some cases some originally added by mod's scripts in organs can cause loss of flexibility and potential compatibility problem in future).
Also it's not so good practice to add in already excising organs something that is used only for the single race, or even only for the specific situation. If script effect mechanic is not enough, and you absolutely needed organ type mechanic - good practice in this case is to add new organ from scripts (by using proxy.loadOrgan("organ_file_name")). This is much more flexible. Changed code can be a example how to do it. (See tmp_bloat_venom.organ for example - it's used to simulate complex effect of the specific venom. This "organ" added at the poisoning event and self-remove as character cleaned form this venom.)

- Through doing some tasks (like working somewhere outside) workers now will be removed from the list on the management tab.

- Added some volume and calories to some items, that logically should has them, but so far is not. :)

pass: fmaster