Thursday, January 15, 2015

Patch 0.985b.p4

- Fixed almost all bugs that reported so far. What is still not done - it's Merril quest.

- Added back check about low health, tiredness and mobility for the active proxy in walking mode. Mobility not really full check - it's just need to lock proxy in the house if his/her SPD become 0 or less. But health and tiredness now will be checked as before. Only through scripts. (templates/system/proxy_walking_check)

Added new feature - merging of the events. Now you can set checkbox "Megred" in events editor, and content from yours event will be added to the another. But "conditions" and "prio" worked for the merged events the same way as for normal.
There some rules for merging:

- Text from merged event(s) will be added after all text from normal event (and templates called from it of course).
- Buttons from merged event(s) will be added after buttons from normal event.
- If merged event has picture, it will replace picture from normal event. If more than two event merged, picture will be shown from the last of processed events. Also picture from merged event can replace pictures from template(s) that called from normal event.
- Hours from merged event(s) will be added to hours from normal event.
- If no suitable normal event found, but merged event(s) exists - first from the found merged events will be used as normal event.
- "Prio" field checked for the all events together. So if merged event has priority higher than normal event - normal will be just replaced with merged. And if merged event has lover priority than normal - it's will be NOT shown at all.
- Multiple events can be merged together. But there is no guarantee for the order of selecting events from filesystem, other than the normal event always will be processed first.


  1. I've been tweaking the game for a while now and I have a decent amount of stuff. Before I start correlating it all together for potential uploads, I wonder if there are any particular fetishes you want people to avoid modding into your game?

    1. If you like to just create a mod - you can do anything.
      If you have intersted to contributing your content as a part of the main module, then please avoid fetishes from this paragraph of FAQ page:

      Q: Can you add something for request?
      A: I can. But there is some rules. What not will be in the game ever: death, guro, heavy vore, graphic blood descriptions in the scenes, scat (enema without focus on the scat is ok). Also I will write something by myself only if this subject is interesting for me. But if you write at least texts for the content - I can script it anyway. And of course I can add fully ready content (game files that created by you).

  2. Also, something I've been noticing a lot is the game hanging and often crashing when a hyperbreeder goes into ovulation. Don't know what might be the problem but it's getting annoying to say the least.

    1. Yar and in dev mode after a hyperbreeder gives birth the console prints errors, referencing the fertility.hyperbreeder gene script, until I go to the birth screen to select home birth. I suppose hyperbreeders will get a closer look when they are found via play?

    2. Yes, hyperbreeder genome do not been tested enough, but I seems to found error that happens at birth already.

      But I still can't make game freeze or crash at his ovulation time. (I working with genome human_female_agency_worker_hyperbreeder in root DNA folder, not with the original from _Cymic44 folder.)

    3. I can get the game to freeze permanently if there are sufficient ova being ovulated into a semen-filled womb.

      8 seems to be the magic number for me, if a futa_breeder fills a womb up and then a hyperbreeder ovulates more than 7 ova my console will print 3-6 ova, pause for several seconds, print 1-2 ova, and then become unresponsive.

    4. i have seen that too. it also happens when a long term event happens when a hyperbreeder ovulates and when the blessing runs

    5. Hm, managed to replicate this. So far it seem's problem inside side library that game used... Or I using it wrong, that is more likely. Something cause expotential overlflow here.

    6. Well...

      "If you want something done, do it yourself!" (c) Jean-Baptiste Emanuel Zorg. :)

      To get this working and not freeze with hyperbreeders I rewrite deepclone function from side library myself (deepclone used to make copy of parent dna in the ova and semen), now it's not only working, but it's also seems to be working slightly faster in general. :)
      After some tests I will post new patch here.

    7. Alright! Good to see we were not crazy and you managed to fix the issue, continue the already good job you're doing there ^^!

  3. I've been wondering, is there any place for mod discussion? I'm aware you have been replying on inflatechan and have topics on FPalace and fenoxo forums but I don't see any detailed discussion on any of them.

    Anyways, how can I check for type of pregnancy(tentacle or human/other races) and number of fertilized/unfertilized eggs(in script)?

    1. This game not has any oficial forum, just threads on other resources. :( So for now only comments here is disscussion place.

      To check pregnancy type you need to check race of the foetus.

      if( GetFoetusGeneText(proxy, 0, "generic.race") == "t_beast" )

      proxy - character.
      0 - number of foetus from character.
      "generic.race" - DNA gene name. Foetuses not has RNA (will be created at birth).

      "t_beast" - system id for the Tentacle Beasts race.

      About ova - they thechnicaly always unfertilized. In fact on fertilization ova object removed from the character and foetus object is added.
      So this question only about finding count of ova and foetuses. Example (c - is character object):

      if (c.hasOrgan("uterus"))
      hooks = c.getOrgan("uterus").selectHooksByName("foetus");
      count = hooks.size();

      This example can be described as a "dark magic" like, as I not used anywhere these possibilities in scripts so far, so no one can see it before anywhere but in SDK (in source files). :)

      Hooks - special objects that can be attached to organs. Method .selectHooksByName("foetus") of Organ object retuns ArrayList with contain hooks with specifed names.

      So after we get hooks we can work with this list - to check something this deep, or even change. In sample is about foetus count, but for ova is the same - just change "foetus" to "ova".

      Actually for foetuses exist much more simple method:

      count = FoetusCount(c);

      But I wanted to explain mechanic fully as such question raised. :)

      Another currently used hook is "semen" - it usually represent a semen dose injected through single orgasm. Hooks "ova" and "semen" used in game engine to check if fertilization is possible and process if so.

  4. It may be that there is a "quest line" for it, but i've noticed that there is no breast inflation in the new release or patches even though it says it is integrated in the mods section. has it not been activated?

  5. The one by SRP that contains more implants as well. It's under the legacy/integrated ones. It may be entirely that you haven't, and don't plan to, integrate it and that's cool. I'm just seeing which so that I know whether to expect it or not.
