Thursday, September 19, 2013

Half of the text scripted.

At least half of the text of new events scripted, items ready, character for scenario is created, images selected and ready. WG support in the engine seems to be working and balanced enough. What is remains it's only to finish quest texts. Also some unrelated to the WG fixes and changes applied, so it's will be definitely full release version, not just a patch.

Starting a new game will be not strictly needed, but all new features will work only in the characters created in new version. So, to play with the WG you will need at least a new proxy. And not a child from old characters - as child will get old genetic in his legacy, at least partially.


  1. Ok! Thanks for the warning. I told the proxies about the retirement - and they took it well, I suppose. (Can't imagine WHY, though, since I always thought I treated them nice! Hm...) :)

    Well, the next generation will be quite fat, so perhaps it was just proxyish (?) modesty or something. I won't work them too hard (especially if you still leave debug on, as I sincerely hope) and I think we will have nice time in the game.

    Best wishes, while I stay eagerly waiting for the new, fat, world and meeting with the new staff.

  2. Developer mode is always be a part of game distribution.

    I just hope that in some time someone will be interested enough to create their own modifications or scenarios and share them. :)

  3. Excellent news, this is easily one of the best expansion-oriented H-games already, and speaking as a WG lover, I cannot wait to see the new features in action. As far as I'm aware, this will be the first time someone has successfully integrated such a fully realized system into an ero-text adventure, so congratulations on breaking new ground!

  4. *waits anxiously for the next *expansion* to hit* :)

    I saw the comment and response earlier about non-consensual expansion (BE, Pregnancy, etc). There's not many scenarios or creatures yet that do that. However, can the game engine support it without any major problems? If so, I may have to try my hand on some scenario-writing, if I get the time to learn how the Dev mode works.

  5. i dont think any more water monster have been added yet just puting it out there to see what it gets

  6. I was thinking it would be good to get some proxy reaction quotes for the WG material.

    I also think it would be a good idea to maybe use list files like you do for breast descriptions for common quotes, rather than a file for every quote.

    I am sure the folks on here could make some suggestions.

    1. Basic descriptions already done this way, player can see conditions of the character body selected by the character body fat percent.

      Random reaction quotes - I plan to add some. But as WG not my fetish, they can be a little plain looking. If anyone can write more passionate text, I'll gladly add it / replace my version with it.

    2. I can kick in a few possibilities:

      T1: "I think I'm starting to get a little pudgy, does my butt look big to you?"
      T2: "I need to go on a diet. I know curves are in, but this is getting ridiculous, everything's starting to jiggle when I move."
      T3:"I can't believe I've become such a porker, *urp*, if I eat any more I think I'm going to pop! My boobs and belly have gotten so big and round, people think I'm pregnant!"
      T4:"I've gotten so big and soft, people keep asking me if I ate a hippo, or if I'm just related to one. If I get much fatter, I'm going to have to start answering them, 'both'."
      T5:"*huff, wheeze* Master, help! I've gotten so fat I can barely move anymore! Even when I try to go out and exercise, I can hardly even waddle through town now. I'm always out of breath and sweaty, and my butt and belly are so wide they're taking up the entire sidewalk!"

      Hope these are of some use!

    3. Nice I like those, though they are all negative about the weight gain (some might like it) and I believe body shape might vary.

      So for example:

      "It's kind of nice to have a bit more junk in my trunk. I'm certainly turning more heads"

      "I guess that's why they call them love handles. I never thought I would like being like this."

      "Ok, my boobs are getting huge now. I really can't see my feet and I keep bumping into things."

    4. To: all

      For the reaction talks, they need to be more or less neutral - as this is not good or bad thing. More emotional sentences can be added later with additional conditions (for proxies negative reacting or having wg fethish) but base texts shoud be without too expressive reactions.

    5. well let me see random text
      use what you think will fit if any.

      i don't care if i get fat if i can eat more of those.

      now there more to love.

      can i have some cake.

      when i dance i get a little more shake.

      at lest i wont starve.

      a geting a little big but can i get some more of that.

      i need new clothing now.

      yay shoping trip .

      i am hungry can i have some more.

    6. I wondered about the tone; possibly this might be a more useful version:
      {} = Negative reaction
      () = Positive reaction
      [] = Neutral text

      T1: "[I think I'm starting to get a little pudgy, does my butt look big to you?] {Yes?? Master, you're mean!} (No?? Well then, I'll just have to eat a little more then!)"
      T2: "{I need to go on a diet. I know curves are in, but this is getting ridiculous.} (I'm looking better and better.)[Everything's starting to jiggle when I move.](It makes me feel so soft and sensual. Maybe we can stop for something sweet?)"
      T3:"{I can't believe I've become such a porker, *urp*, if I eat any more I think I'm going to pop!} (May I have a snack for the road? I'm soooo stuffed, but I just like the feeling of a full belly SO much, especially the way it sways when I walk. I feel like a goddess!) [My boobs and belly have gotten so fat and round, people think I'm pregnant.] {Please stop making me eat so much!}"
      T4:"[I've gotten so big and soft, people keep asking me if I ate a hippo, or if I'm just related to one.] {So rude!} (Heh, if I get much fatter, I can just tell them, 'Both'.)"
      T5:"{*huff, wheeze* Master, help!}(Wow!)[I'm getting so fat, I can barely move anymore!] (This feels amazing!) [Even when I try to go out {and exercise} (and show off), I can hardly even waddle through town now; my stomach and my behind have gotten so wide they're taking up the entire sidewalk!] {I hate it! I'm always out of breath and sweaty, and people keep grabbing handfuls of me and shaking them!} (I love how everyone stops to watch me jiggle by, especially when they want to rub my belly.)

      In any case, you get the idea :)

  7. Ok, will try to keep it neutral.

    "Hmm, my clothes are getting a little tight. Have they shrunk in the wash?"

    "I think all those cakes are catching up with me"

    "I think I'm getting kind of chubby"

    "I think need a larger dress size now"

    "I got stuck in one of the chairs"

    "I'm getting quite soft"

  8. I like all the suggestions above. What good it is to fatten proxy if there's no reaction, I think.
    Yet I wonder could there be a way to make second person comments that leave one wonder whether they are really negative or perhaps even a bit positive.
    Something like: "Woah! Looks like you have been hitting donuts lately..." - and then immediately return to the actual topic.
    That's more or less how it's done in Kudos 2, for example, and there it works great, I imagine.

  9. Thanks to all contributors, I managed to select and combinie some basic sentences for initial WG release. There is one more thing - in most suggested sentences reader shown that proxy is gain something. In the gameplay this can be not true - he or she can loss some weight and only after this condition for the sentence become right (before this used sentence for bigger weight). So, variants like "Hmm, my clothes are getting a little tight" can't be used here.

    Also I do not plan to use dialogs with asking for reply from player here, as this texts shown automaticaly at the start of walk. Repeating delays here can be a nuisance factor. Player should can skip text not reading it if he seen it many times already. I can add some dialogs with proxies, but they should be in another place - optional, and not shown without player initiative.

  10. I don't know if it's been suggested already (and I apologize if it has) but I think a system for the proxies' fetishes would be a great addition to the game. H.Coder mentioned this earlier in the context of weight gain, but why not do this for all content? There could be an "aptitude" stat for how sexy the proxy finds each fetish (or even just a "true" or "false" check that they have that particular fetish).

    You could have one for breast-related fetishes (or, if you wanted to make it more complex, you could sub-divide it into lactation, breast expansion, and breast-play), another one for belly-related fetishes (which again, could be sub-divided into stuffing/forced eating, inflation for the Genki-implant content, and normal pregnancy if you wanted to make it more complicated), another for Weight Gain (which again could be eating, growing larger, or however you wanted to slice it) and different ones for any other content. You get the idea.

    These would probably be stats that are randomly generated whenever the proxy itself is created but if you wanted, you could create brief events to help raise each one individually (similar to the mental training events you have already) or even just adjust existing events to affect them (i.e. the more times she is milked using the "breast play" option, the sexier she finds lactation). If you wanted to keep it simple, you could just have the fetish stats work with lewdness to determine which dialogue options the player gets but if you really wanted to integrate it completely, you could have it affect things like the mood/lust gains from different events, the proxy's performance in things like the special stripshow or even lust gains during sex (i.e. a proxy with a belly fetish will gain lust faster if her partner looks pregnant, if she herself does, or both). The point is, it'll A) give you and other contributors a chance to write more flavourful text and still have it work, and B) give players a reason to go through the same content more than once as each proxy will react differently.

    I dunno, just a thought.

    1. Not a bad idea at that, there's already a framework in place with the Lewdness stat, presumably that could be divided into separate categories based on fetishes with relative ease. The sub-categories would likely be a bit trickier, probably not so much the code as the complexity it would add to scripting events, but it's definitely doable.
      I may take a crack at it myself; I'm tinkering around with an idea for an eating-contest module, "Fat Club", with lots of stuffing-related business based around a modified version of the combat system. I'll have to see how tricky it is just to get the basic components to work, but as it stands in my head it's probably going to require me to develop at least a couple new stats anyway, depending on how the next release works.

    2. Game engine have support for fetishes (they modify arousal and mood changes if present), but this is not implemented in the content, as I'm not finished mechanic that allow game to add some fetishes randomly to the newly created characters. (And this need to be scriptable too.)

      But as I finish it, scenes will can be marked as "fetish related" by single script command.

      Stuffing scenario will be easy - all needed for this mechanic implemented in new version. Basicaly you just need to change a RNA in scene where proxy eat, and all other calculations will be processed automaticaly.

    3. Excellent, that should streamline things considerably, now if i can just figure out how to actually code the "combat"...

  11. I would like to say this can also pertain to pregnancy in the last 3 of the weighty stages in Large Lars comment.
    Being weighty enough has pertained to much more room for the uterus to go before pregnancy is actually seen.
    Meaning the heavier a woman is, the harder it is to detect a pregnancy in her body, it could be thought of as just a common cold, although a pregnancy test could tell, and the Debug menu.

    I would also like to suggest really, really dumb character (25 or lower) have special lines of dialogue asking questions in which you can't answer or retort to, for SOME comedic value.
    I can't think of any... sorry. I'm not very creative.

    1. There is no "stages" in the characters, they only in the descriptions. So, this effect will be already in place - if character have some fat in abdomen, it show out by itself, and eary pregnancy change will be very small and hard to see on this background. (description will not change to next stage longer)

      I do not big master of dialogue too, but maybe I add something for this case. And as always - I'm open for suggestions.

  12. I find the suggestion concerning really dumb chars very - clever! :)
    ( Me dumb? NOW I don't understand!)
    Interesting idea! Perhaps there is still room for other descriptions along similar paths.
