Sunday, October 6, 2013

New Release! 0.94

Okey, version 0.94 is here. What new?

- Another bug fix in the game engine related to the background tasks. Now game can respond slightly slower to the repeating clicks of the "Next Day" button, but in return is enhanced stability of the background task queue.

- Support for weight gain, and stuffing scenarios. Characters can get fat, can loss weight, but this not affect everyday management more than you want. Basically it suspected that in the normal every day life character eat as much as needed to maintain stable weight. Only special events affect calories gain or loss (and weight).

- New scenario that was sent to me by someone from inflatechan. Thank you, Anonymous, I hope your will like how your scenario is implemented (I was needed to do some modification to it for better fitting in the existing game world parts). Some values in the items of this scenario can be tweaked later.

- Few new possibilities for the sex interaction system - thanks to pboy 1717.

- New texts for some previously existed scenes - better version than my own writing is sent to me by someone Anonymous too.

- Breasts organ now exists as a scripted version. Want to examine how lactation works? Now you can. :)

- Changes in the how game process colors for eyes and hair. Old numeric scheme still compatible and used if no new variant found. Should be working smooth but potentially there can be minor issues in the offspring from the parents with different schemes. 

- As always - many spelling fixes and minor bug fixes.

Pass: fmaster

Starting of new game not strictly needed, but all new features will work only for characters created in this new version.


  1. Just wondering but how do you do a stuffing scene?

    1. and have your character gain weight?

    2. Stuffing scenes not exists yet. But yes, characters can gain weight - with some items and scenes. :)

      But you don't see difference immediately. Immediately character will get only "extra" calories, and then his/her body will process them to fat as time passing.

  2. Some of the new items are adding to a stat called "". This stat doesn't exist on proxies generated with this build. Additionally, will older items that the proxy ingests (Horse Beans, milk, etc) get food/calorie values?

    1. For stat - it should be
      Horse beans definitely not normal food, so logical it should not affect weight. Milk is anoter case. I'll can add effect to it in the next patch.

  3. And where would one find these items and scenes? Logically thinking I'd assume the coffee house at the seaside would be a good place to start... but they don't seem to sell anything else then two types of coffee and there are no other interactions... and as one would expect it takes literally years to get fat on coffee alone :P

    1. Yes, it's the starting point of new quest line. Visit it some time later, like a week or two later after first visit. :)

    2. Wait! where do you get recipes!? need help 5th time doing this T-T

    3. Start by checking your library at home.

  4. So when exactly does the quest line continue? Just gave her the pancake recipe and got a stack of pancakes in return... some time later the girl changed into her new green outfit, and afterwards I waited for over two weeks but nothing seems to happen anymore.

  5. look in every kitchen and you will find more recipe =)

  6. "Every" kitchen..? I can't even find one... I feel hopelessly lost :/

  7. Fetish café has a kitchen when you get far enough along in it. Although I found a two bugs.

    1) If you have 4 proxies and one leaves because she is not satisfied, you start getting null warnings from java for the flag checks.
    2) I've gotten as far as the eclairs and the output on the eclairs has the format control code as part of the output.

    1. 1. Please post here quotes from output, and if you can - game save file before and after this proxy quit. I not experience this before. (Also game by itself can post many debug strings in console - in this case it's normal.)
      2. Please post here "broken" part of text too. It will be more easy to find where is bug lies. But if it in words "cafe" and "eclair" this not formating - its missed by me cases of using non english letter in original text ("é") This letter cause issues in the various system/java locales. Will be fixed to the next patch.

  8. I keep getting told that I can't memorize the recipe. Do you need a high INT or something else ?

    1. You are right. But not too high - just medium at least. And some temp boost of INT can be aquired from some items. Though in some cases even this can be not enough if you proxy is unlucky with base INT. :)
      In this unlucky case you will need another proxy.

    2. My highest proxy had a 47. As a suggestion, perhaps each time your proxy fails to memorize it, reduce the number needed by one. That way any proxy can eventually succeed, but it might take a LOT of milk. Does it have to be milk from the shop or will milk from other sources work as well ?

  9. How do you even get into the kitchen of the cafe been working there for quite awhile and still only have access to 2nd floor.

    1. I've always had to have a futa proxy work there to get access for "donation" OR if your proxy has sufficiently lactating breasts (other type of donation kitchen will take).

  10. Wonderous new updates for a wonderous game, keep it up H.Coder! merci

  11. This game really needs a wiki or at least some rough overview about how you get certain things done. So far its a great game... but being left clueless about what to do is mildly frustrating.

    1. Agreed on that suggestion, still cant find some odds and ends, but overall good game just needs some write-up somewhere about what one would have to do to get certain events and/or items.

    2. If anyone setup wiki, I gladly add link to it to the blog menu. But I will not manitain it by myself - time that can be spent on this, I'll preffer to spent on actual game development. :)

      P.S. In case if someone really stuck he/she always can see right in the game files in the developer mode. Text and scripts not closed from player as it was in the CoC or Nimin, so you always can look in them.

  12. Okay, I've gone to the fetish cafe, I've made it into the kitchen, but I never get a recipe, and if I don't unravel this mystery without any clues soon enough, the cafe PERMANENTLY CLOSES FOR BUSINESS??? Seriously, how the hell are you supposed to get this done? I've tried to give this game time to give me something worthwhile, and I came back to it again now that there's weight gain content, which I am always a fan of. But everything I find in this game is so unintuitive, so tedious, and so finicky about being at exactly the right place at exactly the right time, and even if you manage it, there's no real payoff.

    1. Try looking where there might be books...

  13. To all:
    New scenario is not written by me. So how it process - question for the it author. :)
    I prefer not to do "dead ends" in my own scenarios, but this one have one: you need to complete first stage (one recipe) in the roughly one month from the first visit to cafe, or it will be closed. It's pretty easy, and not need any special conditions, even specific time of day to find it.
    I give hint for it: You promised to get recipes, so where you can search for some information in first place BEFORE internet become place number one for this? :)

  14. This quest requires Patience, as the last part of it completes past the 20-day mark. You may also want to make sure the same proxy follows the quest through due to flags the game sets up.

    Visit the shop on the Seafront, wait about a week and a half, the first part becomes available.
    The first Recipe is relatively easy to find when you start up a Proxy. Once you get it, deliver it.
    (I don't know if the next one is instantly available or you have to wait a a few days or so)
    Get a proxy who can work in the cafe kitchen and read the prompt.
    The milk can be bought elsewhere, deliver it for 2nd Recipe.
    Some time another week or so later, the last quest section should become available.
    When you visit Vicky, she should mention something about cream.*
    (The following 3 Prompts only occur once, so read them carefully)
    Go to the Farm at a reasonable time of day and you should get a prompt from there.
    Search around the town (as in the whole area, not the 'Look around' in Redlight District) and another option should be available. Follow it and wait another week or so.
    Return to the Farm and do as you did above.
    That's pretty much the quest.

    Note: Make sure to periodically visit Vicky. At any time, if the text comes up that she's unhappy/the place is empty, order some things. This should prevent the shop from closing.

    *Can't perform tasks past this point in the quest unless you repaired the Milker Crystal. It may prove beneficial to do that quest line during the waiting periods, if just to not have to scramble to get it done at this point.

    Which brings me to an odd bug. Due to the way the greeting scenes for Belanika are scripted, there was a way to break her main quest line so that it couldn't be completed. It may have involved doing the initial quest for Dr. Felis first. If I ever recreate the situation again, I'll have a more detailed explanation.

    1. Not exactly but mostly right. But you not need to keep cafe from closing by purchases. Vicky will not close it, if she get at least one recipe. And you not need to do all questline with one proxy. But as Vicky do not know about player, she threat every proxy as separate person. This can cause some rollbacks in quest. For example, if she get first recipe, though the will don't offer agrements to anoter persons, she still will take offered recipes, etc... Try to use common sense about it. You know everything that know every proxy, but Vicky think that they independent. It's can be applied for most other characters too. Only David and Daria currently in their dialogues talking with the player and not with the proxy.

      With Belanika player currently have possibility to fail quest if he lost proxy that get crystal for repairs (not bug!), but she will have alternative for this case in future. Sorry for this, I just not mention that finishing her quest will be needed for anoter quest so early. :) Her story far from complete.

    2. Any idea what I need to do to work in the kitchen?

    3. Not sure if it's a bug or what, but I cannot find the Printed Circuit Boards for the Milker Repair quest to save my damn life. I've fought both types of monsters in Haze City dozens of times, and neither seems to drop them. Is it just super-rare, or am I farming the wrong place?

    4. Board is a "component" of the item "Old Parts" just collect them. And it not rare.

    5. No new prompt ever appears at the farm. Done the entire quest twice. Can never find anyone 'new' in the city, can never get anyone to answer the door at the farm. What am I doing wrong?

  15. How do i get some on to work in kitchen cafe in the red light district

    1. If you're a futa, with high Arousal during your shift, or if you're lactating during your shift, you'll sometimes get a random event about getting an erection, or a customer requesting milk for their drink. If either of those happens, then the manager will talk to you and give you access to the kitchen, where you can get hooked up to a machine to take a 'donation' for use in their recipes. You'll get paid based on the volume of your donation.

    2. Has to be a 1 hour normal shift as well, not 4 hour medievil.

  16. I tried to get the eclair recipe, but my INT wasn't high enough. How can INT be increased?

    Also, how can you reduce weight? I was screwing around with it, but I was unsatisfied with the results (it was only affecting her belly and nothing else), and it prevented her from working at Hot Lips.

    1. Also, while I'm posting, I can't help but feel the amount of grinding in this game is somewhat excessive. The rate at which you gain stats, skills, and favor with employers could stand to be increased.

    2. Characters not gain or loss instant. Some time needed in both cases. (And currently game have small small bug with lossing weight in some cases. Second patch will be here soon).

      I my plans, in most cases grinding should be done only once. Training second character should have optional path with fast skill raising in exchange of money, or be a completely passive process. (Lessons, teachers, etc.) But it just not in the game yet. Maybe next release will have something from it.
