Monday, October 21, 2013

Another report :)

Today I finished testing of the self maintaining genes. Fixed few bug, found some errors in the genes data (for example, endurance been not raising as character grow, it just being high from the birth). But I can say - it's done. They working and do what they supposed to. :)

Also I must discard idea with the user library with the common script based function - after quick test it show too much overhead. But instead I finished additional component of the game that can be scripted - worker contract. Now we can free create contracts with various conditions and behavior for workers after it's broken.

And finally I start to rebalance events and tasks for the new features. Sport activity will be split to the several tasks (fitness is only one of them) - they concentrate on the various aspects, some on the endurance, some on the strength, etc. So you will be able to find best schedule for the worker, with accent on the stats that you need more. To reach full potential of the regular training character will need time - from week to month. But this can be done in the background, you still can use worker in the walking. He/She can miss some training if proxy device is used though, and loss benefits form the missed sessions. In other hand, events in the walking mode can potentially do more than task based training...

Friday, October 18, 2013

Progress report.

Today I finished changes in the DNA and RNA objects classes, and in gene editor too. Now any gene can be set in self maintaining mode. What is it?

It's simple soft cap for the changes. If value of gene that have check box "return to natural value" turned on, will be every hour change it's value toward some "natural" value. It's calculated in parallel with working one, but it's affected only by the character natural growth, and nothing more. Example:

If we have stat that after character growth finished at value 50 then after some time it's eventually return to the 50. How fast - controlled by the "Return force (every hour)" field. This value will be added or subtracted every game hour. Second field "Return force range multiplier" control, will it be linear process or not.

 Actual formula (for case that value < natural value):
value = value + return_force * (Math.abs(value - natural_value) * return_force_range_multiplier)

But it's only one side of it. Best of this feature, that it's not break ability of genes to change as character grow/age. "Natural" value automatically will be changing as it supposed to be, based on the other parameters of gene.

With this finished, I can do a final balance of existing events and tasks for actual gameplay, at they intended to be. For example, "Fitness" not supposed to add 5 to STR immediately and slow but indefinitely increase END. After rebalance character supposed gain something like ten point to the END and 5-7 to STR - this will take several days with slow change. But if character do more than one fitness task in day she can gain more (but not 2x more). But if she cease her regular workouts, stats will slowly go down to her natural value.

The only downside - in new version you will be need to start a new game. Old saves will be unplayable. I'm sorry for this.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

What next?

Okay, it's seems that bugs of this release is fixed. What to do next? I do not give any promise as always, but for today my plans looks like this:

- Universal method of soft cap for changing RNA related to the DNA. What is it? For example, right now you can train STR up to infinite values. This is not very real-like, eh? In RL you training of strength at some point will slow down and then halt - your body will reach it maximum potential. With some stimulator's it can be pushed even more but usually with some side-effects... I finally founded a way (algorithm) how to emulate this. I will try to implement it, so for every RNA gene can be switched these "potential borders". (My main difficulty before - these borders need to change with characters growth). This also will bring even more potential to the children legacy mechanic.

- Library like storage for the functions that can be accessed from every script, so scripter's will not be limited by the built in game engine functions for repeating code usage.

- Game engine functions for free control and viewing of the workers and world characters lists. Right now it somewhat limited.

This about game engine. About content:

- I feel that currently game have some lack in the management side - so almost for sure there will be new management tasks and features.

- Belanika expansion?

- Vicky seduction and new recipes?

- I collected pretty much images that can be background of post catastrophe landscapes, so - maybe new areas in the high DS activity zones.

As always, I not do any promises about next release date, and I not guarantee that it will contain all this. Right now it's just a plans after all. :) But I glad to hear comment about them and maybe someone will have some suggestions and ideas too.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Patch 0.94.p3

- Fix for possible negative lactation rate after pills from Dr.Felis.
- Lactation now take some calories. :)
- Fix for pill taken in room 204 of hospital (random negative effect not working).

To fix existing characters, you need to load your save in development mode and update character organs scripts in the dev tab by selecting him/her in the list and pressing button "update organs scripts" button.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Patch 0.94.p2

- Fix for not losing arousal after certain masturbation scene.
- Added ability to use breast milk as distraction on the recipe spying.
- Fix for the abdomen not procesing food in some cases. (This is automaticaly applied only to new characters, but you can fix existing characters too. Load your saved game in dev mode, go in the development tab, select character in the list and press "Update organs scripts" button.)

Monday, October 7, 2013

Patch 0.94.p1

First patch for new version.

- Fixed Dr.Genki office access.
- Fixed new items that not adding health as supposed to. ( ->
- Fixed few missed cases of used letter "é" in texts - java have issues with them without special locale setup (who can cause some other issues). So, "cafe" and "eclair" will be without "é".

Sunday, October 6, 2013

New Release! 0.94

Okey, version 0.94 is here. What new?

- Another bug fix in the game engine related to the background tasks. Now game can respond slightly slower to the repeating clicks of the "Next Day" button, but in return is enhanced stability of the background task queue.

- Support for weight gain, and stuffing scenarios. Characters can get fat, can loss weight, but this not affect everyday management more than you want. Basically it suspected that in the normal every day life character eat as much as needed to maintain stable weight. Only special events affect calories gain or loss (and weight).

- New scenario that was sent to me by someone from inflatechan. Thank you, Anonymous, I hope your will like how your scenario is implemented (I was needed to do some modification to it for better fitting in the existing game world parts). Some values in the items of this scenario can be tweaked later.

- Few new possibilities for the sex interaction system - thanks to pboy 1717.

- New texts for some previously existed scenes - better version than my own writing is sent to me by someone Anonymous too.

- Breasts organ now exists as a scripted version. Want to examine how lactation works? Now you can. :)

- Changes in the how game process colors for eyes and hair. Old numeric scheme still compatible and used if no new variant found. Should be working smooth but potentially there can be minor issues in the offspring from the parents with different schemes. 

- As always - many spelling fixes and minor bug fixes.

Pass: fmaster

Starting of new game not strictly needed, but all new features will work only for characters created in this new version.