Download normal version

There is link for the current version of the game.

Current game version 0.985d
Password to the archive: fmaster

Current patch: 0.985e.p1

Password to the archive: fmaster

Patches is always cummulative, you need only last patch after last full release (if it exists) .

To install patch you need to extract it in the game folder with overwriting existing files.
Version of game on the title screen changed only if game engine is updated. Content patches not change showed game version - it's normal.

Now, how to get and start the game on Windows:

1. You need Java SE 6 or later (JRE). If you not already have this, it can be downloaded from there:
Game will not start without it!

2. Download game archive.

3. Extract it somewhere on you disk. Do not extract in the previous version folder. Remove it before.

4. Start game with file "startup.exe", or with "start.bat"

How to start game on Linux 
(Tested on Ubuntu Linux 12.10):

1. Install Java SE 6 or later. OpenJDK Java, default for modern Ubuntu versions will work too.

2. Download game archive.

3. Extract it somewhere on you disk. Do not extract in the previous version folder. Remove it before.

4. Start game with file with "" (You may need to set executable rights to this file.)

If you wish to try modding capabilities of engine, you can launch game in developer mode starting "start_dev.bat". In this mode you can access various editors and in console will be printed various information about game process.