Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Refactoring of the script engine is finished...

... and I'm going back to the game content now. (Feeling much easier now, as this boulder off my shoulders.)

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Felling dumb now.

Okay, I spent more then a week basically trying to find out why one very simple script completely ignored by the script engine... only to find out, that I just forget to call it from the other script, as it supposed to be called. So it's not error in the script engine at all. I even don't know what more dumb I can do now. :)

This idiotic situation cost me a week of the dev time, and many nerves. Such basic error (not checked starting point of algorithm) - I'm still almost can't believe that I done something this stupid.

Otherwise, refactoring of script engine almost finished. It's already works without errors, but in few old events (in interaction mode) it's behavior still slightly different - player can see some more texts (excesses) then he should. This not broke anything in the game logic, but look not so nice but I hope to fix it fast.