Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Felling dumb now.

Okay, I spent more then a week basically trying to find out why one very simple script completely ignored by the script engine... only to find out, that I just forget to call it from the other script, as it supposed to be called. So it's not error in the script engine at all. I even don't know what more dumb I can do now. :)

This idiotic situation cost me a week of the dev time, and many nerves. Such basic error (not checked starting point of algorithm) - I'm still almost can't believe that I done something this stupid.

Otherwise, refactoring of script engine almost finished. It's already works without errors, but in few old events (in interaction mode) it's behavior still slightly different - player can see some more texts (excesses) then he should. This not broke anything in the game logic, but look not so nice but I hope to fix it fast.


  1. Yeah, I know this far too well myself. Just don't let it get your mood (moodshame :-).

    Btw - are you only rewriting the engine or are you updating new stuff too?

  2. H.Coder wrote: "I even don't know what more dumb I can so now. :)"

    I have a suggestion: Add more butt descriptions.
    Along my empirical research quite a lot of people like big butts (mostly on other folks, not on themselves, but anyway).

    Politely tsap.

  3. Than.
    More THAN a week. I wouldn't say anything but it's such a basic, infuriating mistake and it's viral on the internet. THAN is a conjunction and THEN is an adverb. They are two similar looking words with two completely different purposes. I know that you aren't English, so i offer this a bit of knowledge you can use to better yourself in your fluency.

    1. basicly, than is used in most situations to compare, then is like the moment, like chocolate is better than water. while then is like a or situation, like if blank, then blank it.

    2. Thanks for correction, but this error is a more like a syntax - I just typed "e" instead of "a". I know what these words meant, but sometimes I can do errors like this - by typing something that looks alike, and forgetting to check myself by rereading it. Ususaly if i post something at late evening/night.

  4. Chrome seems to be flagging the 0.97 zip files as malicious for some reason, just thought you should know.

    1. Strange, I tested it by downloading in Chrome - and not got any reports.

    2. UPD: My chrome security policy happened to be setted to not default state. But default policy is seems to be completely paranoid now, and block files at any sneeze. Returned to it and get this file block. In this case "password protected archive or adult materials" - I got this explanation as reason of blocking.

      I checked downloaded file - it the same, no changing from the uploading times so it's not hacked or anything. But this can't be helped - it's password protected and has adult materials after all. :)

  5. Just like to say I like you game. I write a bit and took a bit of time to put in some more random sayings in the pregnancy and fat menu's. Pretty simple but putting in more things like that helps flesh out the game a bit. I also played around with some more of the general descriptive words and fixed a few typo's. How do I send it to you? Feel free to use none, some or all of the stuff I did.

    1. You can post it at the some filesharing host (mediafire, 4shared, etc) and give me a link here.
