Sunday, March 23, 2014

Interactive: status

Well it's seems that idea for interactive is woked at least partially.

Right now, I finished replies for 8 questions. I do not managed to process questions that mentions fun house and surrogacy suggestion - too personal for casual talk, with Belanika nature, reaction for them will be seriously negative. She a girl with the "right things to do" education before it's all started, and she still have some personal moral values. Maybe in future I'm add "corrupt path" for her, but not now.

But I'm slightly disappointed that all but one questions is been only directly about her transformation and sex. Yes, it's hentai game, but I like to think that in the game world can be found something other interesting. At least a little. :) History, peoples, geography, legends, rumors, etc. With ability to ask you own question to the character who live in this world - it's a chance to learn more about it. Just ask.

So, conclusion: Though not directly as I thinking, but interactive seems to works. I seen enough activity, so we can repeat it with other characters later.

And one more thing: current interactive not closed. You still can add more questions for Belanika, but from this time I will not guarantee that all of them will be added in game - I'm a little overestimated my ability to adapt too awkward for character nature sentences. :)


  1. Does she know anything about the various merchants ? Would she offer opinions of then ? Good prices, bad prices, honest or not ?

  2. Hm. Well, since Belanika's farm is out away from the city, right next to the Forest, I'd guess I'd be curious if she or her boyfriend ever have "interesting" events or visitors?
