Friday, April 11, 2014

Critical problem found!

I found out, that game is INCOMPATIBLE with Java 8. And I can't do anything about it. Source of the problem in the MVEL2 library. Game used it to processing scripts, and it's not working under Java 8 JRE.

What to do? Possible variants:

1. Using Java 7 (or even Java 6) as system JRE - they work fine.
2. If you must have Java 8 as a system JRE, there is possibility to place "portable" Java 7 version in the folder of the game and use it only for the game. How to do so:

- Download file jre-7u51-windows-i586.tar.gz from here:
- Extract it (free 7-Zip from can do it).
- Rename folder "jre1.7.0_51" to the "java".
- Move it into the FetishMaster folder.
- Start game with startup.exe launcher for normal game or startup_dev.exe for the developer mode.

In the console window of developer mode you should see that java version is 1.7.0 and java path is inside fetishmaster folder.

Also you can download older standalone version 0.70 of the game and just copy "java" subfolder form it.


  1. Hey, I got a question regarding the accessibility of the genes. Is it possible to access the variables inside the genes on template/event level? I had the idea to have a scanner that can determine the baby's stats when its 16-18 years old. It'll smooth the progress for people aiming by improving a certain stat through several generations. If the player can detect a child wont have the desired stat, he/she wont have to spend Daria's Blessing on it.

    1. so maybe like a later game goal scanner purchase

    2. Accessing (and even changing) dna is possible but precise prediction of the character stats after growth is not so easy. Even though child stats based on the parent's, they are not a precise copy and some variations can be present. They are applied at the growth time, so predictions will be not so precise.

    3. Having inaccurate predictions should be enough to determine if the proxy is worth spending a blessing on. It's practically the same as the 'result value' on the Gene Constructor window. Plus, having a little inaccuracy makes it not as overpowered as the dev tool itself. :)

      But, is there a function built in to access the variables in the latest version? I could mess around with those in my spare time.

    4. Working with DNA is slightly more complex than with RNA but still pretty easy.

      Look in the SDK page, partial sources - DNAgene class. To access it from the scripts you need to select dna gene from character like this:

      g = proxy.getDNAgene("generic.str");

      This function can return null if gene not exist, so check for this is needed. After this you can see what can be done with gene in the DNAgene class source. For example:

      if (g != null)

      and so on.

      About how gene changing through growth: if character age is bigger then g.getPubertyAge(), to the gene value will be added g.getChangeRate() every game hour, until the age of character is still lower then g.getPubertyAge()+g.getMatureTime();
      But change rate, puberty rate and mature time can be affected by the g.getMutationRate() at the time of converting DNA to RNA (at birth event all DNA genes get matching RNA - actual stats of the new character) - and this affect full result in the child. Mutation rate - is how much in percent from original values they can be changed.

  2. what happens to a child that an npc (belanika in this case) gives birth to?

    1. For this time it's nothing (not finished). Technicaly this child will be present in the game world (you will see him/her in the dev tab list) but he/she is not affect gameplay so far.
