Sunday, April 20, 2014

Current status

Well, Java 8 issue is seems to be solved, and updated version of MVEL library is integrated. But with last reports about strange bugs in the comments - it's another thing. I just can't replicate them. And current level of information in the errors messages is not enough to do a something more than a guess.

So, this need to be fixed. Next version will be release 0.97. It's mainly a game engine upgrade and many fixes in the scripts to fix incompatibility with new MVEL behavior. This version will show more detailed information on the errors in the scripts, and even more - it will also write them into text log file that can be posted somewhere with minor efforts. So, giving me good feedback will be much more easy. :)

You will be do NOT need to start a new game, saves will be compatible.

Also new version will have new engine feature: global universal storage for the objects of any type and support for native Java ArrayList and HashMap classes. They can be used free in the scripts, and saved in the universal storage as other objects. This give as almost limitless ability to manipulate with game content now. For example, we can create a custom array and store all characters that can be at specific location in it. We can store group of characters for some usage later. We can store even temporary characters (that's is not exists in game world permanently) directly in the storage an have access to them as needed, not only through one event and it's possible included templates. All objects (and nested objects hierarchy) stored in the universal storage will be saved and loaded with game world automaticaly.

This functional will need form scripter more understanding of object style programming than older more simple functions, but it fully optional. This functional will not replace old scripting methods, just add new features to use.

1 comment:

  1. Oh nice, being able to use arrays is going to be quite a luxury! It'll definitely help creating complex events. The flag system does the job fine for most of the events I'm working on, but having another important element of programming in there makes me feel even more at home. :)
