Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Patch 0.97.p2

 - Fix for the scripts errors in the fetish cafe related to futa milking.


  1. I applied both patches. I started a new game. I followed the cowgirl. I visit the forest and fight tentacle monsters, but even when I defeat them and I'm told that I collect 3.004 (or some such number) bottles, they do not show in my inventory

  2. +++ Game time: Day: 978, 18:00
    Compiled script error! Look in script:
    res = "";
    if(isTaskFirstHour() && (clock.isEvening() || clock.isNight()))
    pay = (int) self.getStat("generic.cha")/10+10;
    res = self.getName()+" worked in the club as a singer. The payment was transferred to your account (" + pay +" coins).";
    self.addStat("generic.tiredness", 10);
    if(isTaskFirstHour() && (clock.isMorning() || clock.isDay()))
    res = "The club is only open from 18:00 to 6:00, "+self.getName()+" can't work there at any other time.";
    [Error: argument type mismatch]
    [Near : {... res = ""; ....}]
    [Line: 1, Column: 1]
    Current variables context: 9f5360c5-d272-4c82-aa43-703f5882b869 Used: 1 time(s).
    {res=, GeometryCalc=class fetishmaster.utils.GeometryCalc, player=Player, age 0y.o., self=Chiasa, age 20y.o., calc=class fetishmaster.utils.Calc, debug=class fetishmaster.utils.Debug, its=Singer, workers=[Daisuke, age 29y.o., Ruka, age 26y.o., Chiasa, age 20y.o., Misaki, age 31y.o., Audrey, age 20y.o.], This=Singer, interCalc=class fetishmaster.interaction.InteractionCalc, icalc=class fetishmaster.interaction.InteractionCalc, map=class java.util.HashMap, Geometry=class fetishmaster.utils.GeometryCalc, GeneProcessor=class, creature=class, status=class fetishmaster.engine.scripts.Status, clock=fetishmaster.components.GameClock@1e77448, agency=class fetishmaster.engine.scripts.Agency, list=class java.util.ArrayList, game=class fetishmaster.engine.GameEngine, CreatureProcessor=class, Calc=class fetishmaster.utils.Calc, geometry=class fetishmaster.utils.GeometryCalc, Creature=class, item=class fetishmaster.items.ItemProcessor, characters=[Daisuke, age 29y.o., Kiana, age 20y.o., Vicky, age 24y.o., Belanika, age 28y.o., Mira, age 21y.o., Romul, age 32y.o., Ruka, age 26y.o., Chiasa, age 20y.o., Misaki, age 31y.o., Merril, age 20y.o., Nanami, age 24y.o., Jacob, age 0y.o., Audrey, age 20y.o.], world=class fetishmaster.engine.scripts.WorldScripts, Agency=class fetishmaster.engine.scripts.Agency}

  3. Thanks for the reports. I'm posted new patch p3 - it should fix these.
