Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Experimental build

This buid is experimental, and posted early for the request in the comments.


- If player have contract with more than one proxy, they now can have sexual interactions with each other in the base.
- Text description now can show notices about low mood, and arousal level of character, so it's controlable enough to not lost proxy from the bad mood after sex interaction session (you will can see if mood go down and stop before it's reach zero). Arousal level not that critical but useful too, as some actions can be done only on arused partner, and women not have such prominent natural indicator as males and futas :)
- Updated to version 0.82 game engine, with fixed fertility calculation between same sex characters (futa - futa for example). Also changed it from fully hardcoded formula related strictly to futa, to more generic code used for any same sex pair and controlled by gene, so now it's much more flexible. (Why I not done it this way from the beginig?)

This is cummulative patch, it can be used on any version from last full release (0.80) and above. Extract it in the game folder with overwriting exsisted files.


  1. I might be beneficial to describe the purpose of the variables in the character editor, some of them are unclear. Also, in the dev mode, at least on a Linux system, and maybe other systems, in the edit character window, the "Genes" box is not wide enough.

    1. Only few genes (primary stats like generic.str) predefined and linked to GUI. Almost all other genes - dynamic, and more of them can be added from scripts at any time. So it's no sense to try and describe them in the character editor. For this purpose exsists SDK doc's (currently slightly outdated, they will be updated to current version after 0.90 beta release, or if someone asks for this earlier).

      For editor box size - thanks, I'll check it.

  2. Interactions doesn't seem to be working. I click 'select as partner', then 'continue', 'return' etc and go back with another proxy but nothing happens.

    1. Be more specific please. I'm tested this many times and it's works. Please be sure that:

      1. You start new game, or at least both proxies that you trying to test, you get AFTER installing this path, AND at leat one day passed, so agency refreshed with new generated characters. (Characters from old version not have generated UID field, needed for this.)
      2. After setting first proxy as future partner, you do not just break control with him/her by "Disconnect Link" button. (To be avaliable as partner, worker need to be in the list of you proxies in management tab. Breaking link hide them for few hours.)
