Two important functions of the "Creature" object: "addEffect" and "updateEffect" worked the same way. "addEffect" not create more than one effect with identical names. It's even in the few scripts - they worked as intended only by using this bug. Now, after I fixed this, I also need to check scripts in the organs, scripted effects, and items. Events, I think will be unaffected, as they not to use "addEffect" function every game hour.
Now it's worked as supposed:
addEffect - adding new effect to the gene stat even if effect with this name exist.
updateEffect - if effect with this name already exist it will be just changed to new value. If effect not exist it will be created.
removeEffect - remove oldest instance of effect with given name.
Not sure if I can finish it today, but it's looks like a last serious issue. After finishing this checking, new release will be ready, I think.
lol your 4 hour ahead of me