Sunday, July 28, 2013

Version 0.93

New version is here!

What new:

- New quest, as reward player will have access to the possibility of speeding up pregnancy. It's will cost you pretty much money, so you now have at least one target where to spend collected. :)
- New enemy. Losing to it can cause special consequence. :)
- Kitty Mint can be brought in the new store.
- New scene for the futa masturbation, donated by anonymous, big thanks to him.
- Possibility to access one other very useful item ho help with health in the hard cases. Price is high. First thing - you need to find out about it, and then you can by it freely (if you have enough coins).
- Spellchecking from Venus.
- Spellchecking from  pboy 1717.

I'm terribly sorry, but new version incompatible with old saves. You need to start new game (it's related to the epic sized bug from previous post).

Version 0.93
Password to the archive: fmaster


  1. This is a request, but can you look into programming a way to schedule training? As in the mental exercises and sexual ones? I mean in the schedule that the proxies follow when you aren't "riding" them- it's a bit of a pain in the ass to juggle maintaining several milk making proxiesso their production doesn't go down. Also, it's also a hassle to accustom the first proxy to sexual activities. Could you think about making them more amiable to the sexual activites?

    1. Game already have task for the milking. But player have to complete at least one quest related to it before task become available.

      Others - in plans.

    2. ah, okay. One more thing- where can I submit spelling errors, and other suggestions? I've noticed a few things and have no idea where to submit them

    3. You can edit game files in dev mode, than upload edited version of files on some file host and post here link to it.

  2. I submitted to you on the inflatechan board the things I have done. But I forgot to ask if one thing could be added to the agency selection. The ability to select which sex you are looking for. Sometimes I wanted to get a good futa into the collection but futas seemed to rarely pop up for days at a time. Thanks for the work you've put into this little game. It's actually diverted my attention from the others out there.

    1. About you work I'll replied you at inflatechan. Big thanks for it!

      Agency intended to be a complete random generator. Just source of basic low level characters. If player like to get more specific proxies, he need to work for it. (Or have a luck with generator.:) )

  3. i got a t-beats can you can them normaly?
    if so how do you get more or is it a glitch
    if not is here going to be aminal added?

  4. Replies
    1. Sorry I like not to reply about it this time - it can be major spoiler for peoples who not played new version yet. I give out details in a week or two. :)

  5. Suggestion: In Management, have an option for "Sleep" or "Rest" in addition to, or instead of, "Next Day". Sometimes you want to recover from Tiredness after midnight, but don't actually need to skip the whole rest of the day after that. Instead just sleep a little later.

    1. You can use "Next Hour" button for this. If proxy have "Rest" task in shedule slot he/she will do a rest/sleep for one hour.

      "Next Day" and "Next Hour" not control proxies at all. These buttons just skip some game time - proxy just follow their shedule.

  6. ran into a bug; the fix the milker quest for bianca is uncompletable because when you get the milker from the magic shop owner he installs it in your house instead of putting it in the key items inventory I guess? Point is I can't give the new one to Bianca

    1. you need a crystal to fix bianca's milker the shop keeper can make that if you get him the materials. the milker he makes is bought by you so its yours

  7. I was looking at the code for all the various organs and things and its pretty cool how they can effect other things like how if your proxy's breasts are big enough and they get filled with enough milk it actually starts effecting things like weight and stats. None of the other text games I've played have done that and its really neat how yours does. I've even used devmode to add to some of the descriptors. Though I am having trouble figuring out what all the different uterus genes do. Can you give some hints/help?

    1. Thanks, this one thing that I miss in other games too. Actually I miss it enough, to start my own game. :)

      There is reference list for the DNA and RNA genes (will be part of new SDK):

  8. I'm not sure if this was brought to your attention yet, but it seems the game will randomly hang after selecting an option. I think it's related to activities that would affect the mood of the proxy. i don't have any game saves cause I forget and it freezes and there are a handful of quests that are sometimes fun to just run through. possibly useful info

    Win7 Home Premium (64-bit)
    i5 m460 @2.53ghz
    8gb ddr3
    Java 7 update 21 version 7.0.210
    Java SE Development Kit 7 update 17

    (although apparently i have update 15 still installed so that could be causing my hangs if this isn't a common issue)

    Loving this game, and you're doing a good job, english seems a little

    1. broken in terms of grammar, but being this early in development it's still fun to play and isn't difficult to understand what is intended.

    2. With grammar I can't do anything by myself, as I'm not native english speaker, and even not learn it specialy. So I need to rely on peoples willing to do a spellchecking work. Sory.

      About hanging - it's wery strange. Game engine architecture designed to be stable and can't hang on the regular scripting processing "by design". If option can't be applied button will be not shown at all. If it's not only you machine/system issue, than I screwed somethin big in last update. And I not seen it through tests before release. Please, try to catch at least some more dependency - so I can try and relpicate it.

    3. semen all ready use with ove???
      i keep geting this not sure y

    4. got freeze ing here to with new tpy of proxy mixing dna.
      two gen t-b and libido is too high with t-b proxy.
      libido starts freezeing when t-b gets it too young.
      got 15 proxys tro. (semen all ready use with ova) in some tpy of proxy like the t-b and futa second tpy of masturbation. not sure if i gave eneft info

  9. got more info about the pc in question
    win 7 tpy 64 bit java 7.25 no other up grades needed on pc
    August 1,2013 at 8:01 am i dont think it need to be look at it
    libido start it can just be fix by takeing it to 0.0 at that time
