Saturday, August 24, 2013

WG progress.

Okay, I roughly finished new body changing mechanic. Now it's based on the two genes/stats that should be controled from events - generic.calories, and

First gene used to store ammount of callories to process. If it positive, character process them and his/her body produce fat. How much - controled by the generic.metabolism gene. It's the effectivness in percent. If this gene set to 100 - no fat will be produced. If it set to zero - all callories will directly go in the body fat.

Value in the generic.calories can be set to negative. In this case, character's body will lost fat - it can be used to simulate sport activity, for example.

Normal value for generic.calories - zero. If gene have this value, no further changes. All other values eventually change to it. How fast - controlled by the generic.calories_rate gene.

Why it this way? I do not like to add micromanagement with everyday eating in game. So, I means that characters normally eat something enough to maintain that balance by themselves. Only actual game events change that. But this not close possibility to add some diet management.

Second direct control gene - It's just volume of the food eated, normaly it show zero too. But if game event change it to more then zero, this value will affect character weight and belly size. In passing time food will be processed and value will return to zero. It's also means as above - only for the actual game events. Primary use - in the stuffing scenarios.

All this will work a simple way - in the event where character eat something, we just change two genes - generic.calories and All other work character body will do by itself. And ratio between these genes values will simulate various food types. If character do something that can cause weight loss, we just setting generic.calories to some negative value, and that will be enough too.

Also, I add another sended to me by Anonymous edited game content - this time he do a Dr.Genki clinic. Thanks him for this good work.

When will be next release? As quick as it's done. :) Also I still thinking about fat distribution around body - it's can be done in various ways, and I still selecting the best one from them.


  1. Nice cant wait for the finished product. :)

  2. Looking forward to this. I imagine its quite a task as the generated agency proxies would be affected too.

    I guess each proxy could have a default body shape. Pear (bottom heavy), apple (middle heavy), bell (top heavy), square (even) and hourglass (top and bottom). They will just lay down the weight per the ratios for each.

    So bell might be 0.1 0.1 0.1, pear 0.1 0.1 0.8, apple 0.1 0.8 0.1, square 0.34 0.33 0.33, hourglass 0.45 0.1 0.45.

    You'd probably need a hips and butt descriptor, but the others could add to the bust and belly descriptors.

  3. I agree, it can be a formidable task indeed.

    Took me two days with simple regression analysis to combine weight to body-measures and write some descriptions to ONE body-type only - and those within relatively narrow weight/height range.

    Works for me, but I doubt anyone else would be impressed.

    I can't even imagine how long I would need to find suitable pictures... :)

  4. Well, can't say this would be my favorate addition to the game, though more variance in what proxies there are is nice.
