Monday, December 16, 2013

And another patch - 0.95b.p4
pass: fmaster

- Fixed access to the Merril initial encounter in the brothel.


  1. Is it just me or last 4 patches are "unknown format or damaged"? File size is 91,6 KB.

  2. found the problem, failed to download completely

  3. Your stuff is pure gold, looking forward to every update! You think you could add some additional options for plastic surgery? Like adjustable implants (similar to the uterus implants maybe), butt implants or liposuction? Anyway, thanks for your hard work!

    1. Thanks for comment. :)

      Almost anything can be added with this engine - it's not hard. It's all about my time and writing text for events. :) (This still most hard part for me, as english is not may native language.)

    2. I´d be happy to help you with the translation, if it´s just german to english.

    3. Thanks for offer, but there is two problems here. The first: my native language is russian, not the german. And the second - I'm not translating texts previously written on it. I'm trying to think and write on english right away. So, you only can help with spellchecking but not with translation.

  4. I found a repeatable crash in the system:

    First of all, I have been messing around with the gene system, testing what is allowed and what is not. My tests led me to breed a Nekomata with a futa, attempting to create a futa Nekomata with small breasts and a tight vagina. After a few attempts, I finally got one. Unfortunately, the game registered the baby as a Nekomata with a penis, but they didn't have cat ears or a tail, so I aged the proxy to 16 and bred them with a NEW Nekomata. When the new, non-futa catgirl finally got pregnant, the console went into an infinite loop and locked up.

    TL;DR: Futa Nekomatas can't get pregnant or make someone else pregnant without crashing the game.

    1. Just tested it again, but this time it worked.

      Anyone else want to try and see if they get the same issue?

    2. First thing: all characters is the same for game engine. It's very unlikely that specific character can cause such bug as locking up.

      Second, if bug encountered and repeatable, please post save game with the instruction how to encounter it after loading. Any session is unique, so repeating it's almost imposible for me to generate the same characters as in your game session.

      Now about the bug itself. From your description, it looked as if you experience old problem with deadlock between program threads (few versions ago it's been a big issue). Please if you experiense it again, do as written in the instruction in this post but only with your normal current version. You do not need to download anything more.

    3. Oh, forget to add: if it this problem, most chances to see it, if you game do many background tasks:

      - repeating "Next Day" clicks. (If you click "Agency" or "Save World" right after, it will put additional load.)
      - Daria's blessing. (Even more chance if several characters have it active at one time.)

      Also if you do much "next day" clicks in row (20-30) and have Daria's bless active on someone, then pause before agency or saving game window can be a several minutes in some cases! It's not lock up then. Just very much calculations that need to be done before next step.

    4. A few more tests later and I realize that the whole issue was caused by a fertility pill I made.

      Either way, I now have 3 futa catgirls with flat chests. It wasn't my original intention, but it was still interesting making them.

      One thing I did notice, however, was the fact that I can't seem to breed a proxy to have a tail and a penis at the same time, it's always one or another.

  5. I've run into a curious bug with Breast Implants from Dr. Genki. When "installing" them into a Proxy, they only affect the "Breast Size" Gene, and not the "Cup Size" gene. This seems to work alright for most of the descriptions, but the "Cup Size" description doesn't change. Apparently that's checking the "Cup Size" Gene instead.

    When breasts grow from lactation, both Breast and Cup Sizes are increased.

    What is the purpose of all of the "Breast" stats? It seems like it would be easier to just have one of them.

    1. "Cup size" - it's what I call "secondary stat". It's recalculated every hour based on the primary stat "breasts.size" and other genes related to chest (underbust) measurements. Single gene not do there, as the same absolute size for breast will be different cup size on various bodies, (if character is big - it will be smaller, and if character have small chest mesurements, cups will be larger). "breast.size" is absolute value, cups size - relative.

      It's completely possible that even after implants description in cups size not changed - if body is big (tail or fat character) difference can be not enough to change description. :)

  6. I understand, and that does make sense. However, after a little more testing it still appears there is a problem. Breast Size increases with Implants, but Cup Size doesn't change even after several hours and even days. I tested this with both the 1000cc and 1500cc implants.

    I also temporarily disabled the part of the script that removes the proxy's previous implants (so you can keep increasing Breast Size like you could with the older version) and Cup Size remains static.

    IAs I have the time I'm poking around the game and learning more about the inner workings of stuff. I'm especially paying attention to this aspect, as I still want to write a few special Breast Expansion events of my own eventually.

    1. I rechecked it, and seems you are right. Here is defenitely some error in calculations somewhere. Thanks for notification.

      About events - breasts size control supposed to be through manipulations with single gene - "breasts.size". This is how it supposed to work.
