Monday, December 23, 2013

patch 0.95b.p5
Pass: fmaster

- Fix for the incorrect display of breasts size in cups after breasts implant.
- Added one simple way to train female or futa proxy enough to be fully suitable receiving partner for the Merril. :)


  1. so how would you go about creating some pets to be sold in the petstore and then used in the actual home? i have had a few idea's but the dna and organ system seems to be a bit complex to me. As you might have geused im a total illiterate when it comes to programing

    1. I thinked about it before few times, it can be interesting questline. :) If you like - you can write scenario (texts) for it, and I'll do scripting.

    2. i might just do that then. on topic is it possible to make a proxy whit multiple wombs since the idea i had does go a bit wierd in terms of beasts and monsters

    3. Hm... It's not possible to have multiple wombs as is, but I can create new organ type, for example "2x_uterus" to simulate it. The same for the breasts or penises. For game engine they will be special organ types, not several identical objects, but for the gameplay - it's possible.

    4. so basicly a second uterus would need to be treated as a difernd organ so then for potions it would be enough to have it create for instance a uterus2 organ which in its own file would just be a duplicate of the original one?

  2. I seem to have found some bug whit the felis quest line for some reason she only gives the first quest to get the sample after that she goes straight to the text that she has no work for you and remains there i have gone back several days in a row and even a week later whit 2 proxy's

  3. I've noticed the same thing, though I've noticed that it happens when my Proxy is pregnant

    1. Yes, to get request to do the second stage of the quest proxy need to be not pregnant. Also she should have a breasts (It's seems obvious. But this term is here from the old versions where males not have them as organ object)

    2. gues thats why they dident get the quest they where both pregnant

  4. I can't seem to breed a proxy that has both a tail and a penis at the same time, is it a glitch or just bad luck? I've made just about everything else in the spectrum between Futa and Nekomata.

    1. Definitely a glitch. I just checked my futa catgirl proxies and they all have tail.exists as "1"

      Yet their descriptions all neglect to mention their tails.

    2. There is no bug or glith. :) Genetic legacy worked in you case exactly as it should. See:

      For the "tail.exists" - for actual tail, gene should be in active state (not just have 1 in the value, in the gene editor exists special checkbox). Activity of genes - base of the genders difference. And race difference.

      So you are right - human male and neko female will can't produce male hybrid with tail. The same with futa human and female nekomata. If only one parent have active gene, child can have this gene in active state only if his gender match with the parent who have active gene. Passive genes just works as part of genetic legacy. (Also if gene not exists at all, in all checks that verify this gene name result will be as if gene exists in passive state)

      So, to have child to be futa and have tail its shoud have futa neko as one of the parents. (Merril will do. :) )

      General rules for gene activity state:

      A+A = A
      P+A = "matching state of parent with matching gender".
      P+P = A (So grandchilden in some cases can get something not so expected. :) )

    3. I tested it some more today, after ~600 more children with varying parents, (surprisingly enough, it didn't really take too long) and the results are the same. The end result is that I have every gender/species combination in the entire racial spectrum ranging from male to female to futa and Human to Nekomata, but still no tailed futas. Double checking, the futa proxies that SHOULD have a tail currently have their tail.exists set to false.

      My next test is to edit a tailless futa Nekomata's tail.exists to true and breed them around a bit to see if the tail will pass on then.

    4. Done.
      -I edited a tailless futa Nekomata to have a tail and the description worked for that proxy.
      -Quickly hired a vanilla Nekomata from the Agency and made the two proxies have sex until pregnancy.
      -Three tailless futa Nekomatas were born, all with tail.exists at false.
      -Aged all three to 18, same results, fired all three.
      -Gave the vanilla Nekomata from the Agency a fertility pill and got her pregnant.
      -She gave birth to ~30 kids, about half were tailless futa Nekomatas, the rest were regular Nekomatas.

      I still can't get this to work.

    5. For my final test, I took the fertile Nekomata to Merril's house, got her pregnant with ~30 kids and 11 of them were tailed futa Nekomatas.

      Final conclusion: the ONLY way to get a tail to pass onto a futa child is by having Merril as the father.

    6. It seems worked as supposed to.
      After editing you don't get children with tail for the simple case: I almost sure that you edited RNA only gene. It not pass to the children. You need to edit DNA gene so change will affect children.
      DNA "tail.exists" control if children will have tail (used in checks that I written abowe).
      RNA "tail.exist" control if current craracter have tail.

      DNA of foetus copied to the RNA at the birth time.

      Then almost all changes done only in RNA so they not affect children. Example: after growth of breasts from being full with high lactation, this size will not pass to children - it's not natural, and not affect legacy. But some special events in the game can change DNA too.

    7. Alright, my mistake on the DNA/RNA issue.

      After using the debug menu to edit a futa's DNA to have a tail, the offspring is now guaranteed to have tails, regardless of gender or species, everything is working there.

      The issue now is to find out why I can't breed a futa to have a dominant or recessive gene for a tail. So far, the result is still that I can only get one by having Merril as the father, which we already knew would work, considering she's the only character that is a futa with a tail by default. Outside of her, no amount of ridiculous breeding combinations will result in anything with a penis having their DNA tail.exists set to true.

      Is there anyone else out there who'd like to try to breed a tailed futa, just to see if it's possibly my version at fault?

    8. i'll see what i can do, i gues stating whit a futa would be the best bet for the gender.

    9. If you managed to have together two parents who have recessive "tail.exists" gene, their children will get tails independed of the gender. :)

    10. The issue is that no proxy EVER gets tail.exists as a recessive gene, as far as my testing has gone. This is why I need someone else to try.

      Come to think of it, though, I've never tried to breed a male proxy with a tail. I'll have to try that some other time.

  5. Heh, it's pretty funny to watch a breastless proxy try to fulfill Felis' request.

  6. i noticed that there is a fertility.extra_ova dna/rna is my assumption correct that this is what causes the proxy to have more then 1 ova per cycle? als i noticed on one of my nekotama's that her fertility.ovulation_ova dna was at 3.5**** does this mean she gets 3 eggs per ovulation or is this also conected to the extra dna/rna?

    1. "fertility.extra_ova" - it's chance to release extra ova. And if this check passed true, than it's will be repeated again. So triplets have less chance than twins and so on. Normal ova count regualted by the "fertility.ovulation_ova" Of couse if it rounded on the check, so if it's 3.5 - it will be 3 ova. (Also exists mechanic for the identical twins - by splitting ova after fertilization - foetus.split_chance)

    2. wich brings us to the question do we get all those kids when theyr born? or just 1 for now?

    3. You can see how it processed in the birth events:

      childs = GiveBirth(self); //to get children characters in the ArrayList object.
      self.doAction("birth"); // to give body notification, that birth is processed.

      Now how to do something with received kids list:

      for (i=0; i<childs.size(); i++)

      In this samlple every children form the ArrayList object "childs" added to the permanent characters list that you see in the dev tab of the game. You also can do inside cycle:

      c = childs.get(i);

      And now "c" is the same type object as predefined characters objects like "proxy", "self", etc.

  7. so which uterus phase corelates whit ovulation is thats phase2? or phase 1?

    1. nvm on this question i already found what i was looking for in the organ script seems ovulation is phase1. i do have another problem i have been trying to make a fertility potion item but sofar it doesent want to work when i add anything beyond giving the rna for the fertility type.
      each time i script a updateEffect into it to add some fertility to the rna for a short time it gives an error it says it was expecting type java.lang.object but found type null any idea what im doing wrong here?

    2. I need to see full script that cause error. It's looks like you use wrong name for object somewhere.

    3. wel i deleted most of the script already from the item what i remember was that i had it check for the fertility type's then had it set rt to the respective type and then update the respective fertility whit rt*2 i actualy copyed it from an existing item then changed the names to match what i was altering. all of the names where taken directly from a characters own file so they should have been far as i can remember it looked a bit like:
      if (self.getStat("fertility.nekomata"));{rt=self.getSta("fertility.nekomata");
      self.updateEffect("fertility.nekomata",rt*2,60);} it did also first add the rna to true but that part works its the script i posted for both human and neko that gives the error

    4. In what you posted, is several syntax errors: "if" followed ";" before operator or "{ }", "getSta"(getStat), "rt*2,60"(rt*2.60). If I understand what you try to do, script should look like this:

      if (rt > 0)
      self.updateEffect("fertility.nekomata", "fertility_pill", rt*2.60);

      This is optimized version. Its getting current fertility in rt variable, if it bigger than 0 - processing with effect. Also you are forget that effect need it's own name, second parameter of updateEffect function - I used "fertility_pill" in this sample.

    5. i see gues i beter alter a couple other items i made then to include the effect name. i take it this would also work for permanent effects? for instance side effects from multiple tentacle pregnancy's? my idea there is that the more times they get one of those the shorter theyr normal cycle starts to become and the faster theyr normal pregnancy's grow, i do have to ask which stat should i use to speed it up the grow_rate or the grow_time of the foetus?

    6. i scripted the effect for the speed boost to the proxy's cycle and pregnancy but since im not sure if its correct i'm gone post it here aswell so that ppl can tell me what i did wrong or what could be beter.
      rt = selfgetstat("foetus.grow_rate");
      if rt < 2.5
      {self.updateEffect("foetus.grow_rate"),"tentaclepregnacy", rt*1.2);}
      rt = selfgetstat("uterus.foll_phase");
      if rt > 60
      {self.updateEffect("uterus.foll_phase"),"tentaclepregnacy", rt*0.7);}
      rt = selfgetstat("uterus.lut_phase");
      if rt > 60
      {self.updateEffect("uterus.lut_phase"),"tentaclepregnacy", rt*0.7);}
      thats the script sorry for the long post

    7. Yes, addEffect and updateEffect have several variants: First for permanent effect, it will last until rou use removeEffect command.
      self.updateEffect("", "effect name", value);
      Removal: self.removeEffect("", "effect name");

      For temporay effect syntax is:
      self.updateEffect("", "effect name", value, time_in_hours);
      This effect will be removed automaticaly after time_in_hours game hours.

      Thrid possible temporary effect command work slightly different:
      self.updateEffectAR("", "effect name", value, return_rate);
      In this case initial effect value every hour will be modifed by the return_rate. After value belome 0 reffect will be removed. If value can't reach 0 with current setup then effect will be remowed immidiately. Example:

      self.updateEffectAR("", "effect name", 5, -1);
      Every hours: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0;

      self.updateEffectAR("", "effect name", 5, 1);
      Effect can't reach zero (positive change rate), and removed immidiately.

      rt = self.getStat("foetus.grow_rate");
      if (rt < 2.5)
      {self.updateEffect("foetus.grow_rate"),"tentaclepregnacy", rt*1.2);}
      rt = self.getStat("uterus.foll_phase");
      if (rt > 60)
      {self.updateEffect("uterus.foll_phase"),"tentaclepregnacy", rt*0.7);}
      rt = self.getStat("uterus.lut_phase");
      if (rt > 60)
      {self.updateEffect("uterus.lut_phase"),"tentaclepregnacy", rt*0.7);}

      It's for syntax. But logic not exactly right. To control how fast will foetus grow and how long, you need to change it's DNA. After fertilization it's currently not acessible, so you need to change DNA of parents (it will be passed to child) before conception. DNA can't have effects, and do not have direct control commands in the characters objects. To manipulate it, script need to look like this:

      gene = self.getDNAgene("foetus.grow_rate"); // getting DNAgene object
      gene.setValue(gene.getValue() + rt * 1.2); // changing value of this object based on previous

      These changes always permanent.

      About stats:
      foetus.grow_rate - how much will be added to volume taken by the foetus every hour.
      foetus.grow_time - after this ammount of hours foetus initiate birth. If pregnancy have more then one foetus, it's don't matter - birth can be initiated by every of them. So it will be foetus with minimal value of foetus.grow_time gene.

      other genes that affect mother shold be changed in normal RNA chain of her:


      Length of three phases of female menstrual cycle in hours. First: ova getting ready (and menstruation in few first days). Second - ova released and travel to the uterus, can be fertilized. Third - ferilized ova can attach to the uterus wall and pregancy begins. To have faster cycles it's best to shorten first and third part of cycle. Ova phase is short already.

      In summary: for you idea you need to change mother foetus.grow_rate and foetus.grow_time DNA, and phases related RNA genes.
      (But take note - foetus can get grow_rate and grow_time from father side too.)

    8. so the grow rate gets a mutation then mm might be best just to use the gestamin then maybe add a side effect to that which triggers after using a large amount of it that causes the mutation.

  8. so i somehow ended up whit a tentacle boy after one of my proxy's who had a pretty large amount of semen from another of my proxy's in her uterus got beaten by a tentacle beast and subsecently got theyr ova injected. i'm gone see if i can use it to breed more of em.might actualy be an interesting side project.

    1. ok i did find a few problems whit my tentacle proxy first off he doesent have a body organ nor a gene that says it exists, second the game thinks he's human on his genetic race although thats not all that bad, 3rd those things get way to buffed on stats when aging i think i'm gone edit the dna template for tbeasts a bit to make sure if anyone manages to duplicate my little trick they dont come out like freaks rather then monsters.

    2. This is low chance ability of tentacle beasts. Regualr pregnancy from them - it's more like cloning, their injected ova that used is have full genetic of the tentacle beast along with their semen. But in rare cases their semen can actualy fertilize human female ova - result is unpredictable. Their DNA very different and even if hybrid survive, it can still have very wide range of deformations. And of couse if they happens to be ferile, they pass it all in the genetic legacy.

    3. from what i can see it has only its tentacle and thats it no wieght since there is no body organ that calculates it it does have a pouch and balls and a low fertility whit humans about 4 or so like i said might be interesting as a side project

  9. How do you remove penetration effect? I want to make it so that if a character has a specific gene, their vagina will always stay tight.

    1. if you read a few post up it was explained how to remove an effect gues it also solves my own question in the next post

    2. I tried self.removeEffect("vagina.width","peneteration") and self.removeEffect("vagina.width","penetration") and neither seem to do anything.

    3. last i checked the penetration effect is from actualy having had a penis in theyr vagina the one your after is the one from the dildo's i think it has a diferent effect name. you would have to check one of your proxy's in dev mode to see which one that is .

    4. I'm after that penetration effect, I can assure you. I can see the effect with "print all effects", I can see it has the effect with "hasEffect" but removeEffect doesn't seem to work.

    5. First thing - I done syntax error in the name of effect, if you see carefuly it written as "peneteration". So you need this name with error, as is, to remove it.
      Second thing, this effect not single unique, every sex act add another instance of the effect. You need to remove them all to see original tightness. It can be done in the cycle:

      while (self.hasEffect("vagina.width", "peneteration"))
      self.removeEffect("vagina.width", "peneteration");

      Also this part of the system (with stretching) is not final, and can be changed in future. Sorry.

  10. is there a way to make sure that the proxy's uterus is cleared off all sperm before another character cumms inside them? i am trying to make a event in which a demones impregnates the futa/female proxy's when they wander into her domain.i am pretty sure i can trigger the ovulation to occur at that time but i also want to make sure they dont hve any semen in theyr wombs at the time.

    1. wel i managed to get the event to work. my proxy sure wont like that it did though she now has 7 kids in her belly. i gues having given her a fruit i created that adds more ova to the ovulation cycle for about 5 days did not go to well whit the high fertility from the demones or rather went to well

    2. like i thought my proxy realy dident like it. although she is still working for me she spends most of her time in the hospital since her belly is so big it causes her speed and dexterty to go in the negatives which results in her health going down every hour. i tryed training her but its difficult to keep up whit the growth of her belly. so small advice to ppl if you do get proxy's pregnant whit multiple kids dont use gestamin and keep training them every day otherwise they will end up in the hospital alot.

    3. It's seems worked as planned - pregnancy with multiplies not easy thing. I also have plans to add special content for such sizes later. :)

    4. yes it worked though there still seems to be a small problem whit it also i was thinking about making a patch out of what i added so where can i post that file? here or on either fonoxo's forum or the palace?

  11. wel seems i found a problem whit the patch creation not sure if its because i put all the eventfiles and other stuff i added to theyr own folders but it did not create the patch folder for me nor any file that i could see i think i'll just add the files i created to an archive and post it on fenoxo's forum and the palace. who knows some ppl might actualy find the new stuff interesting

    1. Hm, I need to see patch creation code then. Thanks for the notification.
      You also can post you work here - I'm interested too. :)

    2. well how do i add a archive to a comment then? since i have no idea how to do that on this type of chat
