Monday, January 13, 2014

Added FAQ

Seems it's need to be done long time ago, but it's better now than newer. Right? :) I will try to update it with actual information and questons.


  1. Neato, H.Coder, I posted my scripts to the fenofox forum, grab them up, if you like them maybe you can add them to the game, I don't know how to balance them but I did all the leg work on getting the scripts running for the stuff. :D

    1. Replied in the forum, but can say here too - I'm really happy that someone begins do some mods for the game. This is very motivates me. :)

  2. i have been wondering whit daria's blessing do the changes that usualy happen every hour also happen at the rate of the blessing or at the normal rate? main reason i'm asking is because i have a few kids that seem to be stagnant in theyr growth while under the blessings effect.

    1. Daria blessing effect work this way: every hour for the character called function "self.nextHour();" 280 times. Normally it's called just once by the game engine. So for character only time pass 280 times faster then normal.

      Function "self.nextHour();" always do full calculations, and call all character's scripts - in organs, genes, effects, etc. But there is a way to "cheat" - function "self.addHours();" If smaller than ~720 it's will work almost the same way - just call nextHour enough times. But if is big - fuction cheat and only do math calculations for the genes in the RNA (how they supposed to change by the gene setup). Scripts in the body will not be called. (Well - for last ~720 hours it's will works without cheating too.)
      This difference can be a source of you problem if you use "addHours" with big numbers somewhere.

    2. actualy the stats dont grow at all once theyr blessed. it might be because i go for the next day each time. still it makes raising the kids real troublesome.

  3. Oi, H. Nice project you have going on here. I was wondering: Have you already gotten hold of someone who is willing to be your editor? I thought something like that had come up on one of these fora you are frequenting and there still are some mistakes to be found. I am willing to do this kind of work if you have nobody else for that task.

    Just contact me if you are still looking. And if not, I will just praise you, for this was, and still is, fun as hell to play.

    1. For now, it's seem previous editors not interested anymore, so if you like to do it - welcome here. :) But I need finished game files, not just edited text in the some single file with previously copyed text. Can you do it? It's can be done through developer's mode instruments of the game. The same as other modifications.

    2. Thought I should let you know I'm working on it. Communication isn't exactly my strong suit, like you can see.

  4. What transformations are in the game at this point if any and how do you go about geting them?

    1. I think they r 5 ??? But still no luck finding how to trigger them, maybe more time needed to play the game ...

    2. there are 3-4 races at the moment depending on wheter or not you have my demon event installed but no real transformations yet. there is a hint towards the cowgirl transformation sofar in the farm but thats it

  5. 1. This game is great thx.
    2. Whenever i use Darias blessing the game crash after the child get his first birthday but i dont know why ( sry 4 my bad english

    1. sounds to me like the same error i had whit the abdomen script it seems to go balistic some times could it be you downloaded the demon event i created? if so that tends to crash the blessing if the child has the demonic version of the uterus i altered that in my own game to use the normal one but whit lower stats on the diferent phases. other then that i know the blessing seems to not update the growth from gene's.

    2. I'm need to investigate this...
      (Sorry for waiting long before reply - I'm a litte busy this week.)

    3. not sure why or how it happens h.coder but i have confirmed that your blessing doesent cause growth in the characters even if the time per hour is lowered to say 24 instead of 280. my gues is its the add hour thing that does is rather then using next hour. i'm gone try that next to see if that fixes the growth bug ssince having an adult of 43 cm length is a bit strange

    4. It's not related to blessinng - in the patch 0.95d.p7 growth mechanic become broken somehow. I'm fixed it in the 0.95e.p8, already posted.

  6. Using 0.95e.p8, I encountered a child development exception loop (children were using Daria's blessing). However, it seems to happen randomly. By reloading the game several times and advancing and re-saving one day at a time, eventually I was able to get the children through their development.

    1. Can you post here text from the exception? (It may be non-fatal error, or true error. I need to know where to find, as on my machine no errors shown at test.)

    2. This is a paste of the exception

    3. Ok, thanks. This is not fatal error (exception of this type processed in game), if you experience it only few times through growth time, it should not affect character much, and you can play normally after it. But if you see it every game hour this become serious issue. I will try to find where it begins, but it's seems related to the background thread, concurent function calling - it's hard to debug it.

    4. I will see if your latest patch fixes it. What I was experiencing made it impossible to advance time or use proxies (Repeated attempts to pass time resulted in the error repeating, and the clock would not advance, pressing Use Proxy did nothing)
