Sunday, January 5, 2014

Patch 0.95d.p7
pass: fmaster

Patch contains fix for the execution of the scripts stored in the genes. It's not described in the current SDK at all, so there is short explanation:

In the gene editor exists text field for the script. Rules for this script the same as for the organs or effect scripts (self - reference to the character who has this gene). Will this script be processed or not - there is several factors that can be used in combinations. If they all positive script will be processed every game hour.

- If check box "Run only if gene active" is set, script will be processed only if gene in the active state.
- Check boxes "Run as DNA" and "Run as RNA" tell game engine - do this script should be executed if gene is currently DNA, RNA, or in both cases.
- "Run as DNA" will process script if gene in the DNA chain of the foetus. But script reference "self" will affect mother. For the manipulation with  the foetus should be used reference "This", or "its" (synonyms). (Currently foetus object not described in the SDK, please ask me if you need info about it.)
- "Run as RNA"  will process script if gene in the RNA chain. Script also will be executed only if character age is above value in the "Age of puberty" and not more then "Age of puberty" + "Change Time". Basically it's works the same way as normal RNA value change mechanic as character grow. If you need to have always working script in RNA, you just need to set "Age of puberty" to 0, and "Change Time" to very high, like 9999999999.
- Check box "pass on fast time" should be ignored - it's artifact from the early first version of the passing game time calculations, not in the game anymore. Just can't be removed - still needed to maintain compatibility between already created content.


  1. Can we get a "delete proxy" button in the developer menu? I have a few proxies that are completely broken and will not allow me to remove them any of the normal ways.

    1. Set their health to -100 and their mood to -100, wait a day.

    2. Does losing a proxy affect the mood of the others? Or your reputation with the agency/future proxies, such that it becomes more expensive and/or "hard(er) to get good help"?

      As a side thought, that just occurred to me in writing this, I know there is no way currently to change how much you're paying the proxies who work for you, but would it make sense to create a way to pay them more or give them one time bonuses, or something, to improve their mood, acceptance, or loyalty?

      For that matter, the proxies hypothetically have preferences, likes and dislikes of their own. Would it make sense to be able to find out what some of those preferences might be, and attempt to provide them? Buy them gifts or do activities they like, so they're in a better mood and more willing to do stuff or go places the player wants?

    3. Setting their health and mood that low doesn't work, I broke that proxy pretty badly.

    4. Ok, request for button accepted. :)

      Proxy state not affect others, and not affect future contracts. In gameplay mechanic it's have no sense - basic contrct price is very low in comparison with the ammount of money and/or work needed to train him/her to the advanced level.

      All payment and contract of realted things can be changed through csutom contratcs. Even special editor exists for them.

  2. I've been looking in the scripts for the game you've made, and I'm finding it impossible to raise the size of things such as the males assets, or a futa's assets. I don't know much about the scripts yet, but I'm learning. Is there any size recalculation on male assets? Or is it just focused on breasts currently? I've kill to see the scripts for male parts to grow too.

    1. for now its just the breasts that can be enlarged by either surgery or naturaly from having to much milk in them

    2. Not anymore. :D I've added scripts to allow the balls to sell due to overproduction and use of horse beans. When I finish everything up, I'll send them to you if you'd like to add them to the game.

    3. lol wrong person there i'm just another fan of the game even though i did add some events myself its h. coder that you need for that

    4. Permanent changing balls or penis size just if not used long time is too illogical. In this case most charaters will grow huge organs. :) But with overproductions boost - why not.

  3. seems i found some sort of error though i have no idea where it came from. it seems related to my demon characters however but im not sure if it is the new organ or not since it says the abdomen script cant write to some of the bio files no idea what it means by that

    1. I need exact copy of the error message to tell something.

      In case that you don't know how to copy from the console, there is detailed instruction:

    2. wel i could send you a copy of the save file it happend in. also i'm trying to create the demon's uterus whit the script's in the genes now to see if that solves it.

    3. Save file only not enough - code that caused error not in it. It's sould be also new or modified organs or events too.

  4. if (status.isAdult(self))
    up = self.getStat("uterus_phase");
    if (up = 2)
    self.setStat("uterus_phase", "demonheritage", 1);
    h.coder could you check if there are any errors in this script its my way of making a demon loop her ovulation phase aslong as they arent pregnant but the game says its flawed somewhere.

    1. up = self.getStat("uterus_phase"); - error, in gene name - it's uterus.phase.

      self.setStat("uterus_phase", "demonheritage", 1); - you try to use updateEffect syntax for the setStat method - it's not valid.

      I think full script should be like this:
      if (status.isAdult(self))
      up = self.getStat("uterus.phase");
      if (up = 2)
      self.setStat("uterus.phase", 1);

      But if this script is worked, you proxy will not get pregnant ever. Actual pregnancy mechanic need uterus to be some time in the phase 2 (at least few hours) and then try to swith to the phase 0. If it contain fertilized ova, than this swith will be changed to phase 3 (pregnancy).

      Why not to just shorten gene valuses of the "uterus.fol_phase" and "uterus.lut_phase"? First is the length of the phase 0 nad second is the length of the phase 2. Set them to 5 each and full cycle will last something like 1-3 days (only ovulation phase will be unaffected). Also it can be shorten too by the changin gene "uterus.ova_phase".

      So for permanent messing up of the uterus cycle you just need something like this in script:

      if (status.isAdult(self))
      self.setStat("uterus.fol_phase", 5);
      self.setStat("uterus.lut_phase", 5);

      This can be put in the new demon heritage gene, or you can just set-up these walues in the DNA of the demoness without scripts, just as her normal genes (and her children can get them from her).

    2. i see gues i'll go whit the short time in the phase after the ovulation phase

  5. The download link is down, and i can't find any alternative download link. You REALLY should upload your game to alternative locations, if you want people being able to enjoy your game.

    1. Oh and with the download link i meant the main game files, both normal version and the standalone

    2. Tested it right now - link is worked. Seems, it's you country or internet provider block mediafire.

  6. I'm on skype, I've offered the file to you, but you're offline. (Guy from forums)

  7. Thank you H.Coder, seems like the problem was on my part after all. It's working now.
