I'm spent two days to create actual genome for the Belanika, and scripting her initialization template. Several bugs found in the process. This is most complex character so far, as she is transformed human - not the natural cowgirl, and not have these changes in the her genome (if she will have children they will be human). So init script for her need to add udder, tail, add permanent lactation and do some more tweaks for the representing a state in what player find her first time. :) Also this is general test of the transformation mechanic - script for them will be similar.
One character done, next will be easier I think. Also fixed some bug in the game engine, and fixed BMI calculator function - now it not count milk as the part of the body weight, so huge breasts or udder filled with milk will not confuse this function anymore. Also I have plan to do the same for the uterus and pouch but this still need additional testing.
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