Thursday, February 11, 2016

New mod posted here in comments

Anonymous posted new mod here in comments:

So there is new post about it, to give ability for all to comment without premoderation that turned on in the old posts. Please feel free to discuss about mod here.


  1. Glad to see a new modder on the scene! I'll have to take a look soon

  2. Черт... Неужели все разбежались?
    Автор, ты там как? я помню про твою ситуацию... Там у тебя как? Уже пронесло или еще лихорадит?
    Постараюсь заходить сюда почаще, просто на всякий случай...
    И это.. Ты знай просто, что хотя бы я про тебя и эту игру не забуду. Уж очень она качественно сделана. Удачи в разработке :)

    1. Здесь я. Спасибо за отклик.

  3. H.Coder! i noticed something that may be a bit of a problem.

    There is a math...well it's not really an error, just an interaction that causes an undesired result.

    Negative values of generic.dex results in very high defense values. i now normally the game thinks the game is immobile when they get below 0 dex but my mod changes that for fetish reasons.

    the problem is in this line in the source code in "creatureprocessor"

    c.setStat("generic.defence", c.getRNAValue("generic.str") + ((c.getRNAValue("generic.dex") / 10) * (c.getRNAValue("generic.dex") / 10)));

    what happens is that at the end you get 2 negative numbers multiplying (which makes the result positive)

    So you have proxies only able to take 1 damage at a time because through so UN-dexterous haha

    1. Hm, thanks for notice. And yes, DEX below 0 in terms of game mechanic is = immobility staus. So I do not thought about this possibility.

      Also here is another error - second time it's should be generic.spd.

  4. Haven looked only a little bit at it, what would be the best way to make a new char that hangs around the old city, and have some special events queued to it. Have taken and made a new dna template out from the Vicky one, but would like to ask what the best way to go from there is.

    1. Take a look at the files for the character Kiana. Take a look at the kiana_init. There is an included effect in her init that outlines her schedule. once that exists you can make event that only show up at the appropriate times

    2. Now i got this part to work, i would ask if there is a way, to have an event, that includes one or more of the non active proxies at the same time, like lets said they have been kidnapped, and the active proxy is forced to have sex with them

    3. Ive never done it but it should be possible, though a bit difficult.

      For an example check out the sex options in the house. The files like "see partner" and follow them around a bit.

      However getting them in another circumstance might take some ingenuity. because the way the game picks a second proxy is by you hitting the button that says "select as partner". it uses that to get the id of that proxy for the sex event. Now if you're having an event with that theme you'll somehow have to mark the other proxy before hand (maybe as part of an earlier quest?).

      But yes it should be possible

    4. Yes it's possible. For working with the game world character storages exists class WorldScripts (acessible as "world" from scripts). Example:

      count_of_workers = world.workersCount();

      c = world.getWorker(1); // get character 1 from the List that store a workers.

      Also from scripts exist direct access to List's with all characters, and with workers only. Names for them "characters" and "workers". But be VERY careful about trying to add and remove characters directly through them. In normal case, worker - is not just a character in the "workers" list, there is another conditions too for them to be processed normally.

  5. I was wondering which event/template/thing I should edit in order to re-enable or prevent the muffin top from going out of business, doing the questline seems to always slip my mind even though it's the only timed one.

    1. It's not so easy, you need to clear some global and personal flags and re-init Vicky character. Or result will be unpredictabe and easily broke her questline for nothing.

    2. And i just lost the message i typed up. Shit. well here is the summary.

      to prevent the shop from closing

      1. Do the first part of vickys quest as soon as you start the game.

      talk to her on day one. Then pass like 10 days to get the quest. Get the first recipee from the library and give it to vicky. she won't close at this point.

      2. Don't enter vicky shop until you are ready to do the quest mention above. The timer for her to close doesn't start till you enter the shop

      2. Alter the file at templates/seafront/muffin_out.tpl

      this file seems to control when the shop closes. the conditions for it to close are:

      -the close time is not at 0(it only starts when you enter the shop)
      -30 days have passed since you first entered the shop
      -AND you have not completed the first part of Vicky's quest

      so you can open the file and change how many days it takes for it to close down

      or you could probably just remove the file i think. the file just takes priority of the other possibilities that can be displayed there (like the open shop one that you need to enter the building)

      hope this helps

  6. So another forum for weight gain/expansion based games opened up a couple days ago. Right now its a bit bare but hopefully it fillout as time goes.

    I plan on posting things there in the fetish master board. I'll still post stuff here of course but i'll probably post more here and on my DA
    or if that URL doesn't work try this one

    Maybe H.Coder will want to join? Or at least link it?

  7. H.Coder, question here:

    I'm working on an interaction and having some trouble.

    I have an event that has nothing but 4 ifs in it. Each if is tied to a personal flag and to only 1 variable so they don't overlap. Inside each if is an include("variable_text_stuff")

    1 problem i have is: the includes result with displaying "null" despite having successfully run(they change some variables, they just don't display the text)

    the other problem is that when it doesn't just display null it on;y displays the text from one of the templates (despite calling 2 in some cases).

    Any idea whats going on? I feel like i just ran into an engine limitation but i don't want to just refactor everything and lose that work.

    1. I'm not sure that I understand all problems (if I can see your source files, it's will be better), but:

      Any script in text fields of events/templates always should return something to display. If script has nothing to return - null will be shown. To avoid it you can just add ""; as last line of script. (It's zero sized string). Also the same for template (but not for event) - template with empty text will return null. Just add single script with ""; to avoid it. Or you can just type single space symbol in template text but this space will be shown, and can shift some text.

      Global rule for MVEL2 language (script library) - script always return last expression, from constant, variable, or operator. If last thing is operator and has none return value or void type - it's will be null as return value. So adding ""; - it's to add constant with zero sized string as last expression.

      Conditions scripts in events and templates is another case - they should return boolean true/false. (Last expression should be boolean). Also I add additional relaxing - 0 and non 0 numbers also counts, and can be used. 0 is false, non 0 - true.

  8. Here i cut out and sanitized what I'm looking at.

    you can find the event interaction I'm talking about under sexual training after talking to that one guy at the beginning.

    Ive cut out the majority of the content because it's not relevant. And what content remains is messy and not finalized or finished.

    So when you're in the belly rub menu click change position and click a new position. That changes in the code what position the proxy is in and what is displayed (this is properly done. No matter how many times you change the position it always results in the end position being correct.)

    Let me explain the idea

    start with your proxy standing and change position to being on their hands and knees.

    in the code when you click hands and knees it loads up the hands and knees event

    this event check first to make sure that the proxy is not in that position already.

    If not then it enters a series of 4 ifs to determine what position the proxy is already in. In this case standing

    now the way i have it set up is that to go from standing to being on your hands and knees you have to go 2 steps.
    1 get on your knees
    2 bend over.

    Now here is where the problem comes in. Since it has 2 steps i want it to include 2 templates and have them both display text

    first the text that describes the proxy getting on their knees

    then the text that describes the proxy bending over onto the floor.

    right now it only displays 1 of the texts or null despite running all the code in the proper templates.

    Hopefully this helps

    1. Ok, I think, there is your problem:

      Include - it's not a operator with empty return, and it's not display anything by itself.

      Include - is a function with string type return. In almost all cases I use it in scripts as last expression, so resulting string is displayed by the MVEL2 "last expression" rule, and not need anything special to be shown.

      In yours case you try to use it inside scripts, so you need some variable to store result from Include. In this case it will be something like this:

      text = ""; //variable init with empty string.

      if (you condition...)
      text = Include("some_template");

      text; // variable for "last line expression rule".

      If you need to show text from more than one Include inside one script use this construction:

      text = text + Include("some_another_template");

      BUT! This is not how I it's supposed to be used at all, so I do not guarantee that it will work without some unexpected behavior.

      Templates supposed to be used through conditions scripts inside templates, not through if... inside event. And I do not tested multiple Include usage inside single script at all.

    2. Thanks for the feedback. I think i have a few ideas to get this to work.

    3. Ahh! I figured out if i have each include statement in its own <% %> then i can get it to work as i want

    4. Yep. that solution worked perfectly thanks for the guidance!

  9. I've made a very basic beginners tutorial that goes over the basics of the interface and what not. If you already know the interface then this will be beyond you but know that i plan on making more advanced tutorials in the future

    1. Nice job.
      I have to admit that I was quite lost the first time I played FM and I was really close to never give it a chance.

    2. It took me quite a bit of time to figured things out as well. it involved a lot of poking around with the debug mode

  10. Put out my new mod just now. It's rough but i wanted to get a release out before i was consumed by feature creep

    Download link is here:

  11. H-Coder, I was wondering if you could explain something to me in the code.

    I always want to make thing more accurate when I can. I'm looking through abdomen.organ to see exactly how things are calculated and i have some questions about some of the math that's happening there.

    It's this part I'm wondering about in abdomen_recalc :

    if (inside <= size)
    self.updateEffect("generic.waist", "abdomen", aw);
    self.setStat("generic.abdomen", size-inside);
    self.updateEffect("generic.waist", "abdomen", 0);
    self.setStat("generic.abdomen", 0);

    1. What does the difference in abdomen.size and generic.abdomen represent?

    2. In real life what does abdomen.size and generic.abdomen represent? Obviously they re related to the size of a belly but I'm after specifics

    3. Why do you set a bunch of values as effects? What does that help with in the code? (just curious)

    that's the questions I have for now

    1. Or what is the unit of generic.abdomen, and abdomen.size. are they measure of diameter or volume or what?

    2. So here is what i think it is. maybe you can tell me if I'm right or wrong. abdomen.size is the diameter of a sphere(belly) starting from a character back, while generic.abdomen is the diameter of a sphere starting from where a flat stomach would start?

    3. Sorry about you waiting for reply.

      1. abdomen.size - it's size of organ, stomach only (changing with food mainly). generic.abdomen - it's for the final size of the belly with all calculations with stomach, uterus, and other factors. It should be used with all appearance descriptions, not the abdomen.size.

      2. abdomen.size - it's size of the stomach itself, in centimeteres (apriox. diameter). This is secondary stat automaicaly calculated from abdomen.volume - in milliliters.
      generic.abdomen - how much top point of the belly rise above virtual line of body front. Line - straight between chest(without breasts of couse) and pubis. In centimeters.
      Also generic.waist - it's as RL waist measurements, diameter in centimeters.

      3. It's a part of the game mechanic - effect affect base value automaticaly, easy to remove and change, and still can be accessed individually.

      Example: generic.abdomen has base value as zero, but size of abdomen, uterus, fat added to it through effects. These effects changed through scripts in the organs.

      Also as the abdomen size not the "diameter of a sphere(belly) starting from a character back". It's not linear - this value considers internal space in the body, only if it become full abdominal wall begin to swell outward. This process is represented by changing generic.abdomen. Internal space can be used by uterus, stomach, fat, pouch (in futa's), etc.

    4. Okay some generic.abdomen is a measure of how far a proxy's belly sticks out in front of them? Right that's how I'm reading that?

  12. Iv'e trided the new version of your mod Dohavocom. I'm absolutly not a fan of making my proxy obese so I've focused on the new preg show wich I think is a freaking good idea.

    Here are the problem I've seen:
    1)"She has empty excersie-ball sized belly covered with a covering of tear like stretchmarks filled with vaginal goo and semen" at many place you forgot that the belly can also be big because of the what the uterus is containing. During my test of the preg show, my proxy was just described with an empty belly at each step when she was in fact full of goo and cum.

    2) null, null evrywhere.

    3) sexual action loked on "fake orgasme" after a failed attempt to drag myself on the ground.

    4) no description of the crowd displayed : "the crowd is and "


    1. 1. The emptiness is referring to the stomach, not the whole belly but i can see where that conflicts or add confusion. I'll take a look and see what I can do. goo and cum stuff isn't my fetish so I haven't really done much thought about them

      2. Yeah...yeah...the nulls are a product of a few things. I really should go back and fix them.

      3. A stub that i didn't finish for this release. It hangs because there is no content. Sorry.

      4. Another stub that i didn't finish for this release. what is supposed to display there is the mood of the crowd: How much you've hyped them up and how the crowd generally seems

      Besides the things you mentioned, what other options would you like to see in the pregshow? Ive got a few ideas kicking around but more things to consider is better!

    2. That could be fun to be able, when the crowd is hipped ennough, to drag a spectator on the stage. Also maybe reuse the old images of the preg show for the pose striking action or for the action selection event. It could also be fun to be able, before the begining of the show, to choose one single equipment among others to put on the stage that could change how some action work or allow you to perform spécial action.
      The point 1 was also about the description "(...)belly covered with a covering of tear like stretchmarks(...)".
      I think the point where this mechanisme could improve greatly are :
      What I'm doing and what is the goal of all of this?
      Add more images.

    3. The problem with adding images is acquiring the images. I'm not an artist but I'm also not comfortable using the artwork of other without permission

    4. Sure, on the other hand, 90% of the picture in FM are "borowed".
      I'm not sure about this but maybe it could be better to be able to just put a internet link so you you are not distributing picture without permission and you keep a trak in the game of the source of the pic.

    5. When I say "put an internet link", I mean make template and event also able to use internet link in place of the adress of a image in data/image.

    6. Those are all options I've considered. Infact my in house build HAS some picture associated with it but i cut them out for releases. I still don't want to do it even with proper attribution out of risk of angering the artist. some artists can be very stingy about other people using their risk so i don't even want to attempt treading into those waters.

    7. Well is's more like of 100% pictures for game is taken from the public internet sources. I just use pictures from wide public sites like - not from the personal sites or blogs like deviantart. As game is fully non commercial I think it's acceptable (it's already shown to wide public, I do not clam authorship, and not have any profit from them). But if some author will ask - I just remove or replace conflicted image.

    8. Oh i completely understand that! it's just a personal thing that i don't like to do. Plus if i did that i would spend all my time looking for appropriate pictures. Honestly if i had the money i would just commission specific pictures for my mod. that would be awesome but i don't have that kind of money haha

  13. I'm curious to know: does anyone here that have downloaded the mod about contract have some feedback?
    -Does it worked wellfor you?
    -Is there thing that seem you strange, poorly explained?
    -Is there balance issue?
    -Do you think I should expand it, if yes is ther thing you would like to see in the next version.

    1. I wasn't able to accept the terms of their contract. it was just 'no' or 'i need more time to decide' there was no yes button no matter how much money I added to the proxy or kept in management

    2. I don't have much to say as my fetish is pretty much exclusively about big round bellies. I also had the problem that the anon mentioned above

    3. It seem that I'm unable to reproduce the bug. On my side the situation where the proxy have the money and the situation where the money is in management both work.
      In average you need around 500 coin to accept the contract but the exact amount is displayed.

      I could realy use a bugged savegame or more detail to reproduce the bug (how much money you have, how much proxy, old save or recent save, be contract or lesson contract, how much money is asked etc...)
      Also Dohavocom, if you are interested, I can expande what I have done to add a belly contract. I think mu mod is modulable enought to be done without too much work.
      The question about this expansion are : which value of the RNA you want me to test and will your client be bothered if you expand her more than the goal she had set?

  14. Put out a bugfixed release for my mod

  15. Micro patch for the contract mod:

    There is(was ?) a bug preventing you to accept the contract even if you had the money. I suppose it was due to the fact that you needed the money asked +1 coin that was left in your inventory.
    Now you can accepte the contract even if it left you broke.
    I hope it will fix thing but if it doesn't I'll have to ask for someone tobe nice enough to give memore detail about the state of the game when the bug happen or even better, provide me a saved game when the bug happen. The bug doesn't occure in my saves.

    1. Are the saves you're testing on from your working directory, or a clean install of the game plus the packaged version of your mod? I've yet to be able to get the 'natural enhancements' contracts to work even on a fresh install, and money is definitely not the issue. Additionally, I can't accept the coaching contract as the expanded contract info pushes the Accept button outside of the bottom of the window's viewable area, and the window isn't adjustable. This occurs on both Windows and Linux at 1920x1080 resolution.

    2. I can't edit my comment, but obviously the latter issue isn't really your fault; the agency window ought to be able to scale based on the size of the contract info window. Why it doesn't I have no idea. It might not be a bad idea to condense the info where possible, though.

    3. Here is another patch for the contract mod.

      The problem about not being able to accept contract should be fixed, thank to the kind help of the anonymous sir just above me.
      I was actually testing my mod with Dohavocom's also installed. No idea why this mod was making mine work as the problem was related to a typo of mine...
      For, the second part of the problem, I'm not sure about what's happening. On my side, when the text of a contract is too long for the frame, part of the text is not displayed but it doesn't change the frame size. Anyway, in this version, the description of the lesson contract have been shortened a lot.

  16. Why can't I access the research wing?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. To clarify whenever I go to reception and click on the button for research wing it doesn't do anything.

    3. Sounds like you might have accidentally broken a template or event. You should start it in dev mode and check the error the console throws at you.

  17. Ok, so, i'm making a mod that revolves around the Haze City...
    Can someone summarize its backstory or are the medabots and aquaders random?
    And yes, i'm too lazy to run around the city to read fragments of information about it .-.

    1. "Haze city" - is old times city in the zone with high density DS effects. Still no special story about it, so it's current population - just DS-twisted versions of the more normal subjects.

      Magbots - been something like sequrity drones of some corporation. Evolved to the golem-like beings. They are not sentient, just have simple program to patrol territory.

      Aquaders - some small random criters in the past, like toads, or lizards. They changed by the DS too. Sentient now, but just barely, and very primitive, like neondertals tribes. Territorial and protect their territory.

    2. Oh! Thanks for replying so soon!
      I'm doing a ghost themed story on a haunted laboratory where the player can find "ancient" substances that alter the body temporarily, like a futanari syringe or a sperm-production suppository pill; I'll try to make it balanced by making it hard to get, i have so many ideas that i can't even sleep properly.
      And by the way, i'd like to congratulate you, this system is really nice, sometimes there are nonsensical bugs, but i'm having a lot of fun with it. Thanks.

  18. Hi H.Coder,

    Can I ask how difficult it would be to change the game's timescale so that it works in days/weeks rather than hours/days? Purely from a game engine perspective, ignoring character and in-game event issues.


    1. You question incorrect.

      Game engine include characters mechanic, so it's just not possible to ignore them. Game engine and characters designed with hour as base measurement for time. To change it - characters need to be changed too. But there is two way about time change:

      1. Just changing interface (not changing time processing mechanic) - so it's will just process more hours at one click. This way is not so hard, but every "turn" will cause significant load on the game engine.
      2. True change of minimal time measurement. This is hard - need to be changed all code in game engine, characters, and genes.

    2. I'm toying with the idea of a total conversion. Basically, I love the way your engine models biology and genetics and I want to play with those things on a grander scale. I'm trying to build a game mode where you get to breed and alter entire bloodlines.

      For that to work I'd prefer to have a longer timescale to work with. Characters, events etc. I plan to heavily modify or build from scratch anyway. If the engine can handle it without breaking of the mechanics, that would be ideal.

    3. This will be another game - such changes need rewriting source code. At least for GUI, but game engine mechanic changes will be very useful too.
      I already thinked about it before, and maybe will try it myself later.

  19. To clarify: if the timescale can be changed to days/weeks, then I will rebuild new DNA templates and scrap and rebuild most if not all of the events. How much of the game will break in this situation?

    1. Replied above.

      Also, in exisitng state you can add timepassing for the weeks and even more through scripts (days options already here) pretty easy, and this will not cause problem with characters mechanic. It's will just cause loadout at the game engine (and CPU). But game GUI can't be changed through scripting - ad it not designed for the management with too many characters. I planned that player will have up to 10-15. Or it's become pretty hard to control them all. For you plans it's need possibility to easily control larger groups, I'm right?

    2. Not really, 10-15 characters should be more than enough. The gameplay I've got in mind is to have around 10ish characters with short lifespans and a high turnover. I know the game can support jumping time by week blocks, but since I don't need fine control of day to day I figured it was less resource intensive to just have the engine think in 24 hour blocks. If it's really not doable that's not the end of the world. Would it be possible to make a small change so that there's an 'advance week' button somewhere easily accessible? I notice there's one in the debug menu but I wouldn't mind having one on the management page. It'd also be nifty if it could track months/years. A crude 30 day month and 365 day year would be more than adequate I imagine.

  20. How do I increase the size of my pregnancy implant once she can't fill it herself?
