Monday, March 7, 2016

Forum for the game

Dohavocom, thank you!

Link for the forum added in main menu of the blog now.


  1. No problem. I didn't make the forum, I was just spreading the word. Anyone else is welcome and encouraged to join.

  2. Are there any updates planned for the coming months ?

    1. Oh also, about mods... It would be very, VERY interesting (and a good idea) to add **dates** somewhere around in the mod page, to know which might have been updated, you know ?

    2. Probably no updates coming this month.

      I can tell you that my mod on the mod page is out of date.

      You can find the most recent version of my mod here:

      also if you want to see what i'm planning for the next version of my mod you can take a look at this thread:

  3. Hey H.Coder, since the last patch i created i updated the base version of the game i was using from 0.985c to 0.985e. anyway while trying to create a patch now the function just puts ALL the game data files into the patch folder. This is not at all helpful. Any idea of how to fix this?

    1. To create patch game use file with CRC32 cheksum's of the files. If you delete it shomehow, then all files will be "changed" for the game engine, and they will be included in patch.

      This file with CRC32 should be in the gamedata/text/release_crc.xml

      Check if it in place, and version of this file is from the last public patch.

      Also, file can be recognized as changed, even if you just add a single symbol, even just space somwhere in it - checksum is a method to check that file content is fully unchanged.

  4. Hey everyone, Ive just put out a new release for my mod.

    changes include

    -stomach volume rework
    -minor tweaks and additions
    -Images that i made to show belly size progression

    read more about it here:

  5. Cant wait to plug it in!

  6. I have a couple requests to make if you're up to it. Pretty simple changes:

    In the genes list:

    1. Make the genes column wider. Like 50% wider would be great. you could move over the age display and stats to make room. It's a pain to have to scroll to the right to see the full variable name when I'm testing various things.

    2. Make that same list sort-able

    Even just the option to be able sort alphabetically would be an amazing time saver.

    1. I still don't know when will be next release, but my situation slightly better now, and I definitely will take these requests for it.

      I dobit that in this first release after long pause will be much new content - it will be focused on bugfixes, optimiztions, interface improvements, and some new scripting abilities. Also it will have hardcoded base set of organs for speed and compatibility optimization. Scripted organs still can be used freely in mods, but they can't override harcoded versions now (for example - you can't use scripted organ "breasts" - but still can use "my_custom_breasts"). But modder can script custom organ to extend base organ mehanic through .doAction("action_name") method. Example of this will be in game too.

    2. So, I've made some big changes(replacing some of the original code) to the abdomen organ. How is that going to work if i can't override it?

    3. If you absolutely need to fully REPLACE original code - you need to create custom abdomen (separate name of organ) with you own variant of abdomen scripts. And then change DNA for characters to use it and exclude standart. You mod will be total conversion then. (It already now, but it's unclear and can cause confusion with other mods.)

      But "best practice" (even now - it's ensure mods compatibility) is using "additional organ" - to add some custom behavior as response to standart .doAction method, adding and changing of what standart organ do at action. I give you promise to look at your mod and help with needed changes after time of this release will be closer.

  7. So, trying to figure this out:

    In the new version i would be able to use DNA to specify my version of the abdomen organ?

    Is that specific gene "abdomen.exists"? if not than what is it?

    If that is it would i be able to simply use "abdomen_dohavocom.exists" to use my version?

    If that is the case then i don't have much to worry about when that time comes.

    1. Yes, you are right. Genes with *.exists names control of what organs characters will have. So changing to custom organ - it's matter of deleting gene for standart organ, and adding gene for custom organ. First part of gene name (before dot) exactly a name of the organ that gene control.

      P.s. This mechanic used at time of "birth" - character creation by engine. Changing these genes in already exising characters do nothing. But in existing characters organs can be added or removed directly by scripts.

    2. Okay that's great! I was thinking those changes were going to mess with a lot of things. in this case its just a bit of paperwork when the patch comes out.

  8. Hey, since you're planning on being gone for an extended period of time, is there any chance you could upload a newer version of the source code for the game?

    1. Yes, I think, full version of source code will be published with next release.

    2. Do you anticipate any progress in the future?

      Not rushing you just curious as to how things are going

  9. H.Coder, i have 2 questions. One hopefully easy, one probably harder to answer

    1. What does the H in H.coder stand for?

    2. Do you think it would be possible to display 2 character images at a time?

    I have this crazy idea for a side character view that would show 3 areas of size change(breasts/belly/butt and thighs). Making images to represent all of those changes would result in SO MANY IMAGES so I'm never going to do that. However i came up with an idea that i haven't done much testing on. In the past Ive run into bugs that cause more than one character image to appear on top of one another. I'm thinking that i can use that to overlay multiple images to create a composite(putting 3 images together to make one image). I would do this by having the body broken up into the 3 pieces. All three images would be the same size so that when they're displayed the parts should line up.

    Now the actual questions:

    Is this crazy? Or could it work in theory? Or maybe both?

    Do you think this would work if the window was scaled?

    I lied i have another question

    3: do you have any plans to implement butt size (like belly and breast stats?)

    1. 1. Hentai. :)

      2. It's can be done. Background and character images already displayed this way - character fused "on top" of background image. It's pretty possible to create special image panel to display "kiss doll"-like image of character combined from several layers of png with transparency (the same as character image now). There is one requiment though - these images should be prefectly identical at dimensions (width, and height). Or resulting image will be with displaced parts. I thinked about this feature before, but not implement it as this need custom artwork, and I can't draw something like this myself. Now, I can do this feature, as it now have demand.

      3. Yes. This is in plans, but not in first priority. (It's not primary fetish of mine.) It's need some concentration on the genetic (so males will not get female type of asses by default) Maybe it's will be implemented in times as I work on to tauric body type. :) For this I will need to concentrate on genetic too.

    2. That's good news! I'll have to do some experimenting. So this would work with 3 or 4 images? Or would there be a limit to how many? I don't have any crazy plans for more than like 3 pieces but its good to know. I assume i would use the display image function?

    3. Technicaly it's no limit how much images can be fused together.

    4. So what command i can use to have more than 2 images displayed at the same time?

      All i can see is the background option and the character option and as best i can tell using more than one of each wont work. Any advice?

    5. I'm sorry if I don't sayed it clear enough, but my replies is about future verson. It's possible to add as feature, but current version can't do this. In code multiple layers should be processed differently then only background and character images. (They resized from any dimension to match.) With multiple layers game should do not freely move or resize images as it do with character and bg (or it's will be almost impossible to predict result) - so it's need to be done different way then with normal image(s).

    6. Oh my mistake. I might be able to work with just the 2 layers for now. I'll Play around a bit.

  10. Is breasts.size a measure of how far the breasts stick out from the chest in the same way generic.abdomen is?

    1. Yes, the same way. And it's not count sagging. This stat show measurement as if in ideal conditions (microgravity) :)

    2. I'm not going to worry about sagging haha

  11. I've just put out a new release to my belly mod with more images and a few tweaks. You can find out more on the weight gaming forum here:

    1. I'm not sure why the spaces are like that >.>

    2. the blog posts are in justified format. so instead of having the empty space before a new line it evenly divides the space between each word. last line being an exception

  12. H.Coder, I've got another request for the next version.

    A temporary flag option during interactions. A flag that i can set during an interaction that expires after calling endinteraction();.

    So instead of using SetFlag() or SetPerFlag() i could used SetTempFlag(). The idea is that i could create status effects in combat or sex.

    I would rather have a temporary flag for this sort of thing rather then make a ton of global flags or personal flags and clutter that list.

    Is that possible to add to a list?

    1. It's possible to add, but I think that just flag is not enough. If adding something with such "visibility zone", it's should be full variable/object storage. With commands like SetInteractionVar() and GetInteractionVar(). And with ability to store and use not just flags, but any type of variables and objects.

    2. Also, how are thing going in general for you?

  13. So H.coder? Anything new going on? How are things going?

    1. Not much news to say. Situation here the same, maybe slightly better, but not by much. I tryed return to the coding of game few times so far, but... I just feel like forcing myself to squeeze something.

    2. don't worry about making tons of progress. Start on small thing =P

    3. Sorry to hear, I can understand your frustration somewhat. As for living in intense conditions I can only offer sympathy.

  14. How're things going?

    I was thinking about implementing the butt variables. You might be able to do them similarly to how breasts work maybe?

    1. What exactly you mean by similarity with breasts?
      Male/female different growth?

    2. I just meant with how the math would be calculated. It was just a small idea that occurred to me

  15. Can i reference items from sub directory in the way that event and templates are? for example something like "food/fooditem"

    1. No, items files can't be placed in subdirectories.

  16. Oh another good question. What is the proper way to truncate number variables? I've tried a number of ways but haven't had any luck.

    1. I'm not sure what exactly you means, but if you need to convert value of variable from floating point (or double) to integer, than you can use this:
      (int) someVariable

    2. Yeah, that's what I'm after, but it seems when i try that i get errors. I'll give it another try though

  17. Where does the game actually set the variable generic.maxhealth? Also what is the formula you've used to calculate it?

    1. It's RNA only gene. Base value recalulated every hour, in the main game code that process characters basic main stats (health, tiredness, etc.) in CreatureProcessor.mainStatsRecheck class/method. This gene also directly used to display health bar on stat's panel, so it's one of the core code genes.

      Base formula is simple - generic.maxhealth=generic.end*1.5
      So it's completly depended on END stat only. But some effects can be placed on this gene sometimes.

  18. I see Dohavocom struggling to make its mod. I modded fetish master and in my experience it was extremely helpful to start fetish master from a java development ide. That allow you to use the debug mode, and also see exactly how the methode and formula work. That saved me a lot of time of trial and error. Also this way you can have a real time syntax check of your code so you immediately see the missing semicolon or the misspelled method name.

    1. I think I'm far from struggling. Things are progressing just fine. I ask questions because sometimes it's easier to ask the guy who wrote the thing than to dig into the source code.

  19. I invite you to cooperate.
    Albedo Forum - the russian community of developers of games 18+
    Feel free to register there and create a theme with his game in this section.
    Sincerely, Brian Alameda.
    Google Translate.

    English forum

    Приглашаю вас к сотрудничеству.
    Форум Альбедо - сообщество разработчиков игр 18+
    Вы можете свободно там зарегистрироваться и создать тему со своей игрой в этом разделе.
    С уважением, Брайан Аламеда.

  20. Would ask if there is a way to check if an effect is active on proxy, tempory one, so that you can if something happens, remove it before time runs out.

    1. Effect can be placed on specific RNA gene (stat) of character, and it can be maipulated like this:

      For check - if effect exist:
      if (proxy.hasEffect("", "effect_name"))

      For removing effect:
      proxy.removeEffect("", "effect_name")

    2. Ok gotten this to work, are you also able to get the value of the effect?

    3. Normally you don't need to check value of single effect much times, but it's possible:

      proxy.getEffectValue("", "effect_name");

    4. Thanks, did however also think of a quick work around, by taking the value with the effect active, and the value after the effect was removed, but this will look better in the code.

    5. Also, if you need, exists method to check base value of stat, without applied effects:

  21. My character disappears. I have no clue how, it just ejected me out of Proxy and now it's gone and I can't do anything

  22. H.Coder Скажи честно, ты еще планируешь продолжать разработку? Ну просто хотя бы знать - есть ли смысл верить, надеяться, ждать?

    1. К сожалению сейчас тяжело что-то планировать в долгосрочной перспективе из-за внешних обстоятельств. Но забрасывать проект я не хочу, интерес к нему у меня сохранился. 2016-ый для меня оказался очень плохим и сложным годом, я раза три уже пытался вернуться к активной разработке и каждый раз получал очередной ворох крупных проблем на свою голову, после чего становилось не до хобби.

  23. The game is unplayable on computers with a 4K screen (and probably with other higher resolutions too) because all of the buttons will overlap with each other or they disappear because the button is pushed down outside of the window

    1. I don't have access to the 4K screen, and can't see what can can be wrong.
      On 2K screen is nothing wrong with game layout.

    2. I think you may be able to test this kind of 4K configuartion even on a 2K screen. You can make your game run in a component that have dimensions forced to be bigger than your screen and then put this component in an other that have scroll bars so you can move your view to the region that are out of your screen.

    3. Screen in Java has RO properties based on actual resolution, it's not possible to change them from code as I know.

    4. Yhea but the proble this person have is not that much related with hardware. The problem is more what do the layout system if it have to place components on a 4k window. So if you render a component that bigger than your screen, the layout system will still use the additional space and you should be able to see how it place components on a 4k screen even if yours is only 2k.

    5. As I know, with dynamic java layout it's not possible to render component with dimensions bigger than screen - it will be automaticaly resized to screen dimensions. Game use dynamic layout to support low screen resolutions (still actual at times that game firstly released).

  24. H.Coder, I find it absolutely amazing you're still active on this blog even after all this time. Keep on shining bright, you crazy diamond you. <3

  25. can you edit age at all

    1. You can edit just age number, but in normal game aging is complex process that affect height, weigt, and much more. So editing just age don't get you desired result.

    2. Where would you edit that?

  26. Hey H.Coder. It seems that breasts.size only ever gets updated during lactation (when breasts are engorged) In breast_recalc it never updates their size. Is this an error?

    1. No, this gene supposed to change only by general growth process controled by gene parameters itself (see in gene editor). All other changes to breasts.size should be done through adding/removing effects. (For effects recalcualtion not needed - these changes working instant.)

    2. the problem i see is that a lot of places (like in the descriptions of breasts) is that they reference breasts.size. But breast.size only gets updated in breasts_grow (in the organ).

      breasts_recalc only updates generic.breasts. generic.breasts. more over, it doesn't seem that anywhere references generic.breasts. they only reference generic.cup_size and breasts.size.

      So either breasts.size needs to be update at the end of breasts_recalc, or all the event in the game need to reference generic.breasts.

    3. breasts.size should be updated only by internal processing by breasts organ on grow and shrink. It's base value. If there is logic error - it's in descriptions/events.
      But take notice - breasts.size - it's about size of _breast_ itself, raw data in volume ml. (yes, may be confusing, sorry). generic size - it's like taking first of three measurements around body (B,W,H) in centimeters - so it's different values.

    4. The problem is that every event where breast size is relevant either references the cupsize or breast.size.

      The problem is that most events/templates where breast size matters reference breast.size.

      And so, all descriptions and logic using that variable are wrong. Because breasts.size never gets updated for fat volume.

      so you can have a proxy who's breasts weigh 1000kg because of fat, but get described as being plum sized.

      If there is a logic error, then practically every event/template that has to do with breasts is wrong.

    5. Oh, I understand now. No, it's not logic error, it's missing (unfinshed) mechanic. It's seem I forget to do actual adding/update fat volume effect. :(

    6. Oh, no worries! I just wanted to point it out because i was working on something in that area

  27. "so you can have a proxy who's breasts weigh 1000kg because of fat, but get described as being plum sized."

    I kept encountering this kind of scenario and thought my sloppy edits to organs were messing things up. Now I know.

  28. Since this latest update is having difficulty, would you consider Open Sourcing what you have to Bitbucket / Github and accepting pull requests from the community?

    You don't have to struggle alone! We can all work on finishing Fetish Master together!

  29. Hey H.coder. I'm messing around with a list oc characters. I have it implemented a lot like how the commoners is set up. I've added a feature where my list of characters have a map of personality traits. I want to know if there is a command to check the entire list to see if it contains something.

    Does one exist? or will i have to iterate through every time?

    1. No, such command not exists, as game written to be compilled with java runtime JDK 6 (pretty old.)

      So iteration only for such needs. :(

    2. That's what i found as well. I found a workaround to do what i want though that's quicker than iterating through every value every time.

  30. Hey H.coder. I'm trying to make a schedule template for all the proxys. I'm trying to find a was to iterate though all the workers. I've tried a few things, but haven't been able to find the proper syntax. Any advice?

    Also I'm trying to see if i can change the contract that the agency workers have. I've tried changing the script at the end for a different contract but just get a java error. It looks like it might be hardcoded, but the method newStandardContract()was not included in the partial source code you released. Is there a way to change which contract gets applied? or am i out of luck?

    Thanks for the game, and thanks for the help!

    1. For contracts: default agency contract is hardcoded java class, but it's possible to replace it's usage with custom contract - it's in template gameData/templates/system/agency_update.tpl

      You can use any contract for agency if you replace:

      contract = agency.newStandardContract(c, (Integer) val*6);


      contract = LoadContract("custom_agency_contract_name");

      And agency will now use contracts based on this custom contract.

      For iteration: you can use world.getWorker(int number) and world.workersCount() for iterations through active proxy list. (Agency list not included - they still not active).
      Also world.getCharacter(int number) and world.caractersCount() is the same, but for ALL active characters in world, not only workers.

    2. I might have found a bug in the abdomen organ. In abdomen_recalc, it calls calc.procent(). Shouldn't this be calc.percent() like the other calls? changing it seems to fix stomach capacity not updating when eating a large amount of food. I might just not fully understand the syntax yet. The code in question is below.

      //grow maxvol
      if (cvol > calc.procent(max_vol, 80))
      maxvol = self.getCleanRNAValue("abdomen.max_volume");
      maxvol += self.getStat("generic.regen_rate")/3;
      self.setStat("abdomen.max_volume", maxvol);

  31. Верим, надеемся, ждём ! (завершения разработки всмысле). Удачи и побольше свободного времени :)

  32. Hey, Dohavocom here. Just announcing that I've released my newest mod update.

    Find the details here:

  33. Apologies if I've betrayed your trust, but there was a bug in the event merging system that was bugging me so much I had to get a Java decompiler to figure out what the hell was going on.

    The final event selection in looks like this:

    int num = (int)(Math.random() * (double)events.size());
    e = (WalkEvent)events.get(num);
    for (i = 0; i < merged.size(); ++i) {
    return e;

    So, you're selecting one eligible event at random, and then, for i number of merged events, choosing one at random and calling it i number of times.

    Unless I'm very much mistaken, the intent is to choose an event at random and then call all merge-able events on top of it. The correct code would then be

    for (i = 0; i < merged.size(); ++i) {

    calling each merged event along with the randomly-selected 'base' event.

    This has been giving me hell in trying to prevent mods from conflicting with each other (although these days, most big mods change enough about the underlying system that other big mods wouldn't be compatible anyways). Assuming that my 'fixed' version is the way things ought to be, would it be possible for you to push a quick patch, or allow me to upload a rebuilt JAR?

    1. Hm, you are right, there is wrong variable used, it's should be "i".

      You can upload rebuild JAR with you mod, as I can't release quick patch - right now my sources in unfinshed state - pretty much differences with last release. It's more close to 0.99 then 0.85 right now.

      Maybe I release full sources on public git - as there is now present free git hosting, that allow such content. (I have plans for relasing them after ver 1.0 but it's seems too long now, and exitst real demand for them now. :) )
