Thursday, October 5, 2017

I seen some drama's...

...about commercial usage of my work by third-party mod-makers on some imageboards, and also some question been addressed to me early by some peoples in private. I think, there I need to post my clear and official reply about commercial usage. Though is still a bit complex:

1. Game license (button "license" on start) is Creative Common (CC BY-NC 3.0)
So, no "commercial only" usage for content based on it. For example - no patreon paywalled content please, and no fileshare though pay only services.

2. Partial commerce usage, like early access to some dev versions is ok, but only if content in them become free to all public eventually, in reasonable time. I say - like in 3 month maximum.

3. I personally not like even second variant, but it's mod's authors work and decissions - and they have right for it. I do not feel like I can press about it. But it's borderline.

4. I not have any objections (even personal opinion) about "tip jar" type of patreon or similar methods.

Also some general news:

I still done some work through all these time, almost to the next engine update (0.99), but it's still very slow, as I still have much personal issues. And I think - something should be done about this. So, I decided to open game sources, but I don't like to just post archive with them. I think - public git repository will be good variant. I need some time to set it up, but it's will be done in week or too, I hope.


  1. I'm glad to hear things are still progressing!

  2. Great to hear. I love seeing new items in for FM

  3. I am very excited for the git
