Sunday, July 28, 2013

Version 0.93

New version is here!

What new:

- New quest, as reward player will have access to the possibility of speeding up pregnancy. It's will cost you pretty much money, so you now have at least one target where to spend collected. :)
- New enemy. Losing to it can cause special consequence. :)
- Kitty Mint can be brought in the new store.
- New scene for the futa masturbation, donated by anonymous, big thanks to him.
- Possibility to access one other very useful item ho help with health in the hard cases. Price is high. First thing - you need to find out about it, and then you can by it freely (if you have enough coins).
- Spellchecking from Venus.
- Spellchecking from  pboy 1717.

I'm terribly sorry, but new version incompatible with old saves. You need to start new game (it's related to the epic sized bug from previous post).

Version 0.93
Password to the archive: fmaster

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Found just Epic Bug today.

Two important functions of the "Creature" object: "addEffect" and "updateEffect" worked the same way. "addEffect" not create more than one effect with identical names. It's even in the few scripts - they worked as intended only by using this bug. Now, after I fixed this, I also need to check scripts in the organs, scripted effects, and items. Events, I think will be unaffected, as they not to use "addEffect" function every game hour.

Now it's worked as supposed:
addEffect - adding new effect to the gene stat even if effect with this name exist.
updateEffect - if effect with this name already exist it will be just changed to new value. If effect not exist it will be created.
removeEffect - remove oldest instance of effect with given name.

Not sure if I can finish it today, but it's looks like a last serious issue. After finishing this checking, new release will be ready, I think.

Friday, July 26, 2013


Today I finished scripting content that I planned for next release. Do a tesitng now, already found and fixed more than ten bugs in few hours. This much of errors in new content is caused by the pretty complex scripting - I experimented with not used before features. But I think, in a few days new version will be there. :)

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Updated link to current full 0.90 version at download page.

My bad - I missed to update it from the 0.80. (It the normal blog post link was right, so if you dounload from it you have correct version.)

Thanks for get my attention to this.

Other news: finding suitable images for new content. I think, I have something suitable in the collection... :) Most text already in place.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Now I relaxed some.

I think, it's been a good decision, to swith from SDK. At least, today I managed to come up with and write as text a quest for speeding up pregnancy. I think, it will be interesting enough, and have potential for further expansions.

Also added one hospital event in treatment wing, and and one new item accessible after it.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013


I tired. Updating script SDK is becomes much harder than I thinking before - too much features added to language, from 0.6x versions of game engine. I need to switch from it to something other or it become nuisance for me. Sorry if someone waiting for it - there will be delay. But meantime I do something with actual game. :)

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Not much to report.

Time from previous post I spend mainly on updating SDK to actual state. I think, most of it done, but scripting guide still need to be finished. Also, I tryed to write few drafts using ideas from commnents. But not yet decided on what exactly I will concentrate for next update.