Saturday, August 3, 2013

Patch 0.93.p1


- Proxy not leaving if he/she regularly wakeup in the hospital (like after losing fights).
- Deadlocks between foreground and background tasks can cause hang-ups of the game in random times. Hopefully I found and fixed the source.
- "Unstablity" of game after Daria bless applied to someone. If you click "next day" many times fast with bless working,  still can cause temporary freezing or slowdowns in response - it's normal, as bless is very heavy scripted task. But now it supposed not to hang-up game fully. (Actually it's similar problem with previous, but in another place of code.)

Starting new game is not needed.

Please, if someone still experience hang-up, tell me about it in the comments.


  1. Sorry to say, but I have experienced the same kind of lockups when pressing buttons as I did before this patch.

  2. Yep crashed for me after swimming. I have the Daria bless, but not had my first child. Had two tentacles though.

  3. startup is relly bad lockups and slow
    startup-dev is fast with out a lot of lockups

    1. i think it might be with java its self

    2. been testing tpy of start first start good so far had one hang-up that it startup tpy really bad freeze and slow startup-dev is fast with out a lot of lockups
      still testing each tpy
