Monday, January 27, 2014

Part of the source code released.

This result of my thinking about dilemma - I do not want to release all source code before 1.0 release, but I'm can't maintain scripting SDK up to date - too much time needed. And someone begins to actively writing their own mods - for them it can be a issue. So, I decided to release some of the game source files, updating them to actual state will be much more easy for me. Looking in them scripter can be sure that he know about all functions or methods available to him for using in the scripts.

Minor downside - these sources not documented well, but names of the functions and methods mostly self explaining. Also, anyone can ask me about details.

patch 0.95f.p8
Pass: fmaster

- Fix for the possible hang up of the game interface, if one or more charater's have active "Daria's blessing" and player very quickly click "Use Proxy" button right after "Next Day" button.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Patch 0.95e.p8

Pass: fmaster

- fixed growth of the children. (Bug affected all growth, not only under Daria's blessing.) Spent almost a week to find it - just single symbol in the code! One single symbol caused all this mess in the previous patch.
- fixed possible crash situation caused by overfilling of the recursive script calling from the Daria bless effect script. This is separate problem from previous bug.

Sorry for low activity - I been busy these weeks after christmas holydays, and it's possible that I will be busy next one or two week too. My RL work, sorry. This can happens sometimes in my profession.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Added FAQ

Seems it's need to be done long time ago, but it's better now than newer. Right? :) I will try to update it with actual information and questons.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Patch 0.95d.p7
pass: fmaster

Patch contains fix for the execution of the scripts stored in the genes. It's not described in the current SDK at all, so there is short explanation:

In the gene editor exists text field for the script. Rules for this script the same as for the organs or effect scripts (self - reference to the character who has this gene). Will this script be processed or not - there is several factors that can be used in combinations. If they all positive script will be processed every game hour.

- If check box "Run only if gene active" is set, script will be processed only if gene in the active state.
- Check boxes "Run as DNA" and "Run as RNA" tell game engine - do this script should be executed if gene is currently DNA, RNA, or in both cases.
- "Run as DNA" will process script if gene in the DNA chain of the foetus. But script reference "self" will affect mother. For the manipulation with  the foetus should be used reference "This", or "its" (synonyms). (Currently foetus object not described in the SDK, please ask me if you need info about it.)
- "Run as RNA"  will process script if gene in the RNA chain. Script also will be executed only if character age is above value in the "Age of puberty" and not more then "Age of puberty" + "Change Time". Basically it's works the same way as normal RNA value change mechanic as character grow. If you need to have always working script in RNA, you just need to set "Age of puberty" to 0, and "Change Time" to very high, like 9999999999.
- Check box "pass on fast time" should be ignored - it's artifact from the early first version of the passing game time calculations, not in the game anymore. Just can't be removed - still needed to maintain compatibility between already created content.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Patch 0.95c.p6 and happy New Year!
pass: fmaster

- Thanks to the Greenhoof starwalker report, I able to fix user patch creation feature. It's should work normally now.
- Several small fixes in grammar, genetic, and such. Nothig major yet - it's holidays. :)